Chapter Eleven: Planning

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Kotomi became a whirlwind after that: When she came back from her next round of the bookstores she had books and magazines on wedding dresses, wedding food, wedding decorations, wedding vacations...

And all of this for our wedding: Sunday, June 15.

"Tomoya-kun! Tomoya-kun! What do you think of this one?" Kotomi would ask excitedly while showing me a page out of a magazine. The pages were filled with all different kinds of dresses. "What do you think of this one?"

"I-I think they all look good," I'd reply. "Really."

Then she would get this cute pout. "Tomoya-kun, do you not care about our wedding?"

Finally, it got to the point where I had to address it more directly.

"Kotomi-chan, the truth is; I don't care which dress you pick. They all look good, but I'm not marrying the dress." I gently took hold of her slim shoulder so I could look into her eyes. "I'm marrying the girl."

Her blush was adorable. " is important to me."

"I understand that it's important to you, but I can't help you if I don't think the way you do." I suddenly had an idea. Kinda risky, but... "Why don't you show this to Fujibayashi and Furukawa?"

"I could do that." She appeared to consider the idea. "What about Kyou-chan?"

I shook my head. "She's a little too...domineering for something like this. I really think she'd be more likely to put you in something that she'd want to wear."

She nodded thoughtfully as her eyes lost focus. "I-I could see that happening." She looked up at me again. "Would you be angry if I consulted with her anyway?"

"Consult with Kyou? No, not really. But I'd be concerned about whether you'd be happy with the result." I shrugged. "This supposed to be your day after all. I'm just concerned that if you let her help, she'll just take over."

"I could see that," she said, nodding thoughtfully again. "I would hate to leave her out of it, but..."

"Well, whatever you decide, I'll do my best to support you," I finished, giving her a hug, which she returned.

"Tomoya-kun..." Hoo boy; she was looking intently at me again.

I smiled as I gave in, leaning down to gently kiss the love of my life.


", I am asking you to help me with my planning." Kotomi finished with a bow.

I watched, amused, as three jaws hit the floor. "W-wedding?!" They all stammered, nearly in unison.

"W-Well," Fujibayashi stammered.

"I-I would love to!" Furukawa blurted.

We then turned our eyes to Kyou. I was surprised; I had expected her to not only answer first, but offer to...well, basically take over the planning.

It took me a moment to realize that she was glaring at me. "You're thinking that I'd try to take over the planning, weren't you?"

I was about to say "Nah, that's just your imagination" but I was tired of lying. "Yeah, I was."

Her shoulders slumped. "Well, you're probably right." She looked over at Kotomi. "Are you sure you want my help? You know how I am."

Kotomi squared her shoulders. "As long as you understand that it is my wedding..." At that point I think she ran out of courage. "Kyou-chan, you are very caring, and I like that about you. You also know many things that I do not."

Kyou blinked stupidly. "Th-Thanks." She looked to me. "You okay with this?"

"No, not really," I answered frankly. "I'm still concerned that you'll try to make this 'your wedding', but if she trusts you enough to ask you, then I support her decision."

Kyou angled her head at me. "You've changed, haven't you?" She sighed with a sad smile. "I am such a coward."

"Onee-chan...?" Fujibayashi worriedly looked over at her sister.

"Kyou-chan?" Furukawa's tone was an echo of the younger twin.

Kyou seemed to remember where she was and shook herself. "If you'll let me, I'd be happy to help. And I'll try not to take over." I think that last statement was intended for me.

Kotomi gave her trademark happy gasp as she clasped her hands in front of her chest. "Thank you. Thank you! Kyou-chan, Ryou-chan, Nagisa-chan...thank you so much!"

While Furukawa and Fujibayashi fussed over Kotomi, Kyou made her way over to me. "Hey."

"Hey yourself," I said with a smile.

She looked up at me sadly, which didn't surprise me. "I meant what I said; I won't try to take over your wedding."


Her expression changed, and I suddenly felt a pain in my heart. "J-Just to let you know, I'm going to ask if I can be Kotomi's maid-of-honor."

The pain in my heart throbbed a little. "Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, you...that is, your..."

She reached out, but jerked her hand back before she touched me. "I know, but...I think I need to. It won't seem real if I'm not part of it." She smiled sadly. "Even if I'm just a bridesmaid, I think I can still put this behind me."

"You're strong, Kyou," I said with admiration.

She shook her head. "Not strong enough," she said with a hiccup as she noticed the others looking our way. "Excuse me."

As the twins and Furukawa left, Kotomi approached me with a worried look. "Tomoya-kun; you look sad. Are you okay?"

"Huh?" I quickly rubbed a wet irritant from my eye. "I'll be okay." I managed to shake off a little of the pain. "Kyou was trying to convince me that she wouldn't take over the wedding."

Kotomi's worried look eased, but didn't disappear. "Did she convince you?"

"Yeah, kinda." I shrugged. "I guess we'll see, won't we?"

"Tomoya-kun..." she giggled as she wrapped her arms around me. I could feel the warmth and love radiating from her. Or maybe it was the warmth of her love? I shook my head. Where did that thought come from?

Rather than dwell on that thought, I looked down on my fiancée and smiled as I wrapped my arms around her and simply enjoyed everything that was 'Kotomi'.

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