Taking Olympus Back Part 16

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Authors note:  Hey guys!  Some very exciting announcements:  We have reached over 7000 reads on book 1.  I know I know, that doesn't seem like a lot.  But I didn't expect to get 70 reads, let alone 7000.  Were growing bigger everyday.

Another 'announcement': I realized that I had been putting my own emotions into Athena.  Which isn't a bad thing, but I was asking myself what I would do in a situation, instead of asking myself what would Athena do.  So Mars yelling at her was almost the cycle breaker.  You'll start to see more Athena-like actions, I promise.

As always, If you guys have any questions, statements, opinions, or concerns I read EVERY comment!  So please leave me some!  I love having discussions with you guys, getting to know you and all that other good stuff.

So with that, I hope you enjoy this much anticipated chapter, as I have not updated in.. well, its been a while.  Enjoy.


I stared at myself in the mirror of the bathroom which was attached to my room on Hades ship.  My cheeks tear stained, but my facial expression relaxed.  I hardly recognized the goddess staring back. Pale and thin with dark circled eyes didn't suit me.  This wasn't me, this was just what I let myself become.

I had taken what Mars said to heart.  I hadn't been acting like myself lately at all.  But losing the person I had fought to be with all along was more than I could handle, especially in the moment of it all. Millions of years by a persons side only to have them point an arrow at your skull in the end was something I don't think I'll ever forget. Not to mention the look he gave me. I could see it plainly written across his face. He wanted me dead.  If Mars were in my shoes and had lost Minerva, he would have understood.

I flicked the warm water on and bent over, cupping my hands and splashing water on my face.  Once I was satisfied I flicked it back off and reached for the towel on the counter beside me.  I held it to my face for a minute or two before placing it back down on the counter, next to some type of tooth brush holder, and glanced back up to the mirror.  I shrieked when I noticed it wasn't me inside any longer.

"Hello, Athena." Minerva said cooley, glaring at me with her cold, grey, unfriendly eyes.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't break this mirror right now, and trap you inside it."  I threatened, knowing the trick she was using.  If anything were to happen to her reflection in the mirror, it would transfer her back to her body, even though she wasn't physically in there. Just a magic trick really.

She made a pretend thinking face, before shrugging.  "Hmm... Can't think of one at the moment.  I just thought you'd like to know what ever happened to you're little friend. What was his name, again? Alida? Annan? Alian, was it?"  

I felt as though a ton of bricks was piled on top of my chest, but I kept my cool and glared at her.  "Where is he?"

"Right where you left him."  Minerva smirked.  "Here, on you're once so sacred city grounds. I must say, I'm surprised you abandoned your city so easily. I'm disappointed actually. I expected at least a little fight from you. You let me down. But now that you've got you're precious Ares, nothing really matters anymore does it?  Its a shame he hates you."

"Is he hurt?"  I asked, raising my voice and ignoring her comment about Ares.

"I dunno, I'll ask him when he wakes up. Mercury really did a number on him. You should be ashamed of yourself, bringing a mortal into a gods war." She smiled, tempting me into breaking the glass. "Which brings me to my other reason for being here.  I've got a proposition for you."

"I don't want to hear your 'proposition'-"

"Even if it would save you're friends life?"  Minerva countered.  I sighed, as she continued talking.  "You can have him as far as were concerned, he's nothing to us. I propose a trade.  Alex-"

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