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Weeks passed and you had grown to enjoy the turtles company as you healed. Donetello was actually a wonderful doctor, and he had you healed in virtually no time (though your bruised ribs still needed time to heal).
   There was a new addition to the strangeness of it all: his name was Master Splinter. He was, like the turtles, a mutant, though he was a rat.      
     You found it strange that a rat mutant would adopt four turtle mutants as his sons and students, but decided that- hey, they're mutant turtles!-so there were bound to be some oddities. Splinter was kind enough, generally giving you curt nods before he continued with his daily routine. 
    On Friday nights, though, he would eat pizza and watch the movie that you and Mikey had chosen.
You and Raph hardly spoke to one another, and avoided it when possible.

    Well, that was partially due to the fact he was generally in his room during the day, sleeping. You didn't mind, you still had the others.
    You were still untrusted by Leo, he was never unkind, though, he would sometimes have long conversations about miniscule things: mainly about which movie character was better, or why a certain couple would be better than the other ("No way! Ginny and Harry all the way!")  But you knew he was secretly keeping a close eye on you, much like Raphael.

You and Donnie got along well, you gave him tips on how to deal with angry people for his tech  job.  
     He seemed to get the most frustrated customers (you know, the one's who have been on hold for two hours and need to make dinner for their kids).
   You were both very greatful when he went through a whole entire five hours without getting yelled at violently, due to your help. Of course, the good luck couldn't last, as a very furious cutomer that was next in line had been waiting for over three hours and could hardly contain their temper.
    Then, when Donnie was off work he would give you short lessons of defense, starting with hand to hand. The two of you had gone hours without breaks, and sweat had drenched your brows, but, ou had learned quickly, as you already knew most of the basics.
   Donetello had spoken to Splinter, and had put a hold on practice for a couple days.
  Then, he told you the great news.
  He had decided that the two of you could practice with weapons instead (they were just sticks, much to your dissapointment), and practice was reinstated.
You and Leo mostly cast each other sideways smiles or quick greetings in passong. You had a feeling he still didn't trust you, no matter how many Friday night conversations about films you had.
    You and Raph only half acknowledged the other, when he was awake that is. Whenever you passed one another, you would glare at each other uttering spitefully about the other. When in the same room together, you would make sarcastic comments about the other. Sometimes, Raph would come down from his cave and watch you practice with Don. ("Whoa! (Y/n), you almost landed a hit that time. Well done.")
 It was mostly playful banter when you spoke, full of sarcasm and glares.
 It was good to know he felt the same way you did about him. 
   In contrast to the rocky relationship you and Raph had, you and Mikey were like siblings. You pulled pranks, watched movies, asked universal questions ("How is Heaven a supposed to be a place when it's obviously pizza?")
    He's  the brother I never had. . . You supressed the sinking thought of your brother every time you thought like that. You were content here, playing Mario cart furiously over a six hour long marathon.

      "No. No. No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes! NO!"
You shouted alongside Mikey. He had just beat you again on Rainbow Road, the most demonic sadistic road that ate all in its path. You cursed nearly as colorfully as the road itself.  Making Mikey wince, turn slowly with a completely horrified look on his green face eyes wide and ridge high. 

"Did you just curse?" 

You glanced sidelong at him eyebrows raised, taking in his face. You let out snort, looking back at the screen and exiting out. Your eyes had become quite sore.

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