8: Copper and Roses

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*  trigger warning: violence/flashbacks. Please be advised.(YES, they are flashbacks) *

Back in the lair.

Raph's POV

 Raph leaned against the railing as he watched you play video games with Mikey and Donnie. He could only see your (Y/h/c) hair but he could hear your laugh.
   Mikey and Don joined in with the laughter on occasion, but they were too deep in thought to do much else. He could tell they were still disappointed that you hadn't told them the truth from the beginning. It wasn't even the fact that it was a big deal, it was the fact that they had all let you into their home and, he hated to admit, their hearts.
    They felt that, by you not telling them, that meant you didn't trust, or even like them. It was mainly Leo and Donatello who were plagued by that constant nagging feeling, Raph could tell.
   Raph hadn't been bothered by your "deceit" as much as the others had been, he had always kind of guessed that there was something bubbling under the surface that you had told no one. Leo was understanding and forgiving towards you, but Raphael could tell he was having inner turmoil on weather or not it was a good decision to take you in in the first place.
      He put a lot of pressure on himself about things like that. He was the leader, so, Raph reasoned, he had the right.
Raph knew a lot more about his brothers than he let on. All of them were a little butthurt at your lies but. . . you probably had a reason to lie, they did kidnap you after all.
Sort of.
   It was like a rescue then a kidnapping.

 Raph was perplexed by you, yet somehow everything you did made sense. He understood you in the fundamental way he understood himself, yet he still didn't know the first thing about you. He didn't know what your pet peeves were, or what qualities you liked in a friendship, or how you viewed the world. He did know that the conversation on the rooftop had solidified his feelings about you. He wanted you to stay and he wanted to protect you from injustice, and to know you better. There was a lot of debate in letting you stay.  Raph felt the tension in the lair surrounding the simple sentiment of letting you live. 

 It wasn't spoken of, obviously, but he could read Leo's and Master Splinters face better than anyone and knew they were in constant anguish. They were burdened with protecting everyone and you living with them was a potential for the subtle way of life to be damaged. Raph understood, but he didn't like his own family regretting, or second guessing their decision to accept an addition to the family. It didn't sit right with him. And when you had kept your secret, it was like the cherry on top of the giant food dam in Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs; everything was slowly cracking. The walls were crumbling away. 
   Leo walked into the dojo across the room grabbing Raph's attention and he ground his teeth, realizing that they had no right to be butthurt about you lying when they had been doing it since day one.
A sudden thought struck him, he couldn't let this happen anymore. He leapt over the ledge and stalked past you, ignoring Mikey's and Don's questioning looks.

Your POV

You stuck your tongue out in concentration as you played street fighter. You were determined to beat Mikey in this match. Donnie watched from the sidelines, and he and Mikey were 'secretly' betting on who won.
You obviously would. You heard the metal railing ring and a quiet thud. Raph.
You ignored him, all your energy focused on your game. Even though the two of you had become friendly with one another, that didn't mean you had to be up in each others business.
    When Mikey turned, you had a chance to kill his character with a quick roundabout kick.
The screen blared.
You stood, pumping your fists with the remote still in hand.

   You said turning to Mikey, who was looking to the back of the lair nervously. You glanced at Donnie, who was standing behind the couch, he had a nervous expression as well.
You frowned, following his eyes to the screened off room where Raph stalked with a menacing gait. Your eyes narrowed, knowing that gait. You had used that very same gait.
   He was ready for a fight. You walked past Mikey, who was still sprawled on his half of the musty couch, but was just noticing he had lost.

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