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today was hell.
it's monday today, which means i had to go back to school and face.. them. and as you can guess, it didn't go very smoothly.
to put it shortly, i had one run in with misoo and she barged passed me so hard i lost my balance and fell into a locker. if that hadn't been there, i would've fell completely. she didn't open her mouth to me all day, just continued giving me evils and apparently made everyone else hate me too as i had multiple people mutter insults under their breath as they passed by me. i've never wanted to go home as much as i did today before in my life.
however, when i got home, things just got worse.
my dads drug cartel is the joint first in its industry. the other drug organisation is an extremely strong rival to his, and there's been and ongoing mini war ever since they both reached the top.
it's a tradition for them and us to hate each other. despise each other. so much so, we'd be ready to kill each other. and any member of one that even just associates with the other is considered a traitor and abandoned.
it's also a tradition that every member of any drug cartel gets a small tattoo to be identified as part of their "gang". and i had to have mine done today.
i've always told my dad i hate what him and mum do. but they don't listen to me, and insist i have this done to help me in the future. pfft, help me in the future my ass.
and that leads me to where i am now, sat in the special place, rubbing the painful ink embedded in my skin, in the shape of a delicate rose. the rose has a knife engulfed in its stem scattered with thorns. every other person in our drug cartel, no matter what role, has the exact same label on their inner wrist.
i cant let anyone see this. ever. i refuse to be associated in any way, shape or form with my parents business.
i jump as the bushes behind me rustle and quickly pull down my jacket sleeve over the tattoo. i turn around to see taehyung and breathe out in relief.
"hey y/n."
he sits next to me and i hold my sleeve in place.
"hi taehyung."
he frowns and sighs.
"i'm assuming school didn't go well today then."
"eh.. no, not exactly." i continue by explaining my apparent transparency at school today. his frown deepens in what looks like concentration.
"i don't know what she said to make everyone else ignore me too, but she comes up with some shit. it's probably something ridiculously fake, but realistic enough for all the dumbasses at school to believe her." i say.
"hm yeah.. don't worry about it." then quieter he adds, "i'll see what i can do".
i frown.
"what was that?"
he looks up and smiles.
"nothing. just ignore them and they'll get over themselves soon enough."
"hey, uh, i know i haven't been here long but i've gotta go. i'll see you tomorrow?"
i nod.
"yeah, sure. see you."
he smiles again and dashes out the hedge. as he pushes the branches out of the way, i see a large plaster on his inner wrist.
i shrug it off as confusion washes over my mind.
how will i see him tomorrow?
he texted me yesterday saying he had something after he got home from school on tuesdays when i asked him if he wanted to meet up.

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