Chapter 3 (Here and back)

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When (y/n) woke up she was laying on a log in front of the fire. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the warm light. She noticed that her head was on someone's lap and (y/n) looked up to see Claudette holding a ice pack on her head. "Hey you're finally awake. You were out for a while, what happened to you?" You looked at the sky recalling your memories, " Yeah I think the Le- I mean Frank knocked me out with something but I don't really know what." Claudette reached for an apple that was next to her just in case you got hungry when you woke up and you were. As you took a bite out of the apple Claudette spoke again as you leaned upright, " Well at least we know 1 of their names now." Jeff looked up at Claudette with a raised eyebrow," If you wanted to know their names you could have just asked me." You, Claudette, and the others looked up at Jeff interested in knowing some info. " The girl with the pink hair is Susie, the other girl with the X over the mouth part of the mask is Julie..." You raised your head because you thought that was only your thing. Maybe since Julie had a X over her mask as well, (y/n) could be friend Julie. "- The guy with the grinning mask is... well never mind you know him already as Frank, any way last but not least is the guy with the black hoodie and skull like mask is Joey." Since black and white clothing was kinda your style, the thought of seeing that outfit would be pretty cool. "Shit, time to go to bed. Night everyone." Ace said as he was getting into his tent. You didn't know why but he was really strict when it came to sleeping at a certain time. You tried to do the same but you realized something was missing. "Wait where's my bag? WHERE THE FUCK IS MY STUFF?!" You started to freak out, your art ment everything to you and you just wouldn't feel like the same person with out it. Claudette and Jeff understood your frustration. "Hopefully they'll give it back..." Claudette said trying to be hopeful but Jeff shook his head slowly then looked down. "Knowing teens like them they wouldn't care. Especially Frank, being the leader of their gang and all." Wait so the guy you were talking to was the head of the squad? Well that's news. They were in their teens like you were so maybe by taking to them you could make a deal. You spoke up, "I'm a teen though to, is it possible to talk to them if I try?" Claudette looked at you surprised at what you said since she knows you normally try avoiding strangers but now you were suddenly all up for it. "You sure (y/n)?" Claudette gave you a worried look. You nodded to her, " I want to get my stuff back, I don't care about the consequences anymore." In Claudette's eyes you looked determined to take back what's yours. Jeff shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, fine. Don't say I didn't warn you though. They're bullies who vandalize and steal from others-". "Don't forget they're killers!" Claudette cut off Jeff a little, speaking a little louder because you were already headed towards the woods. "I'll come back when I can!" You yell back hoping they heard you and they wouldn't worry. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" You heard Ace yell which made you chuckle a bit before you went into the thick deep woods in search of the resort.

(Y/N) P.O.V
(I noticed now that I tend to switch between 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd person alot so sorry if thats confusing but it feel like words like I, you are a bit repetitive so that's why I switch things up.)

As I began walking I felt tired and thought to myself that I should have slept before going. But getting my stuff back was more important to me than sleeping. As I went further in the woods I decided to ask for help to find my way there. And I knew who to call and how. I looked around for a sharp object and I saw a pointed stick. I made a tiny cut on my arm which hurt alot but in order to talk to the entity, you need to bribe it with blood. I lifted my arm above me for a moment until a black mist seeped from my cut, taking a little blood and healing me. I assumed it was listening, "Lead me to the Legion's Resort. They stole something precious from me." I waited for a minute until I heard a crow fly out  onto a branch. As I made eye contact with the crow, it began to fly slowly away. Assuming it'll show me where I needed to go so I followed the Entity's little servant.

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