Chapter Three.

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Previously in Dark Flower.

"Daddy! She's the one!! She's the one! She touched the roses and nothing happened, they didn't wilt or anything. They changed colors and look at her hand, she still has one in it. She's the princess for king Harry!!" Madelgena cried out pointing towards my hand. Her father looked down at my hands and shook his head in disbelief.


"By jolly. It's true. You are the one." He said, still looking at my hand with the beautiful rose in it. "Carena, my dear. Come here. It's important." he yelled. A tall girl, with soft blue eyes and long blonde hair walked out and smiled at me. "I'm Madelgena's mom." she said wiping her hands off on a beat up apron and sticking a hand out for me to shake. I raised my hand up to shake hers as she gasped quietly. "You're his soul mate." I growled frustratingly and moved my hair away from my face.

"I'm who's?" I asked getting frustrated that no one has explained anything to me. "Look," I said handing the rose out for her to take. "I just saw how beautiful it was a I wanted to take it back to my office. I am nobody's. In fact, I am a nobody. I'm just a woman who run's a very sucessful wedding planning company. I plan wedding's. Nothing more, nothing less. All this talk about me being King Harry's or some crap is false. I came here with two of my friends tonight, who have seemingly bailed out on me. I was dragged here unwillingly by your daughter and I would like to go home." I sighed. Tucker and Madelgena had left the room as I was ranting to Carena about my problems. She was about to say something but a knock on the door interupted her. She walked over to the door quietly and gracefully, she gasped as the door was shoved open roughly, revaling a tall handsome man looking quit frantic. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me, He looked down and saw the well kept rose in my small, curved hand and then looked back to me. His eyes searched mine for any signs of danger and then walked over to me.

"Hello, love. I'm Harry. And I do believe you're holding my rose, princess."

Never in my life have I ever been nervous around a guy. It just wasn't natural for me. There was no need to be nervous around them, I mean there only human, right? But something about seeing this beautiful man who, by the looks of it, could destroy anything and everything that came his way, made my stomach twist and turn. I felt as if my heart was in my swollen, throat and that scared me. He slowly strolled towards me, confidently, prideful, and gloriously. His statue was over-powering and demanding. He reached out with his left palm and slowly storked my cheek with the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip. I sucked in a breath, nibbling on my lip in the process. This was an intimate touch and him doing it, me allowing him to do it in front of Carena, Madelgena, and Tucker, made my cheeks heat in embarassment. I brought my hand up to his to remove his, from my face but his hand dropped in an instant. He cleared his throat and looked down to the palm where the rose was still held. He sucked in a harsh breath and squeezed his eyes shut for a second, in a mid thought process before turning back to Tucker, Carena, and a little giggling Madelgena. I smiled at the tiny girl, covering her mouth with her small hand, she smiled up at the curly-haired man before holding her arms out. He reached down and picked her up and spinning her around. I watched in awe as her tiny curls seemed to bounce with every move she made. He set her down before looking up at Tucker. Tucker nodded and Harry grabbed both of Madelgena's hands and crouched down to the baby's size.

"Now, now, Madelgena," he tsked. "as happy as I am that you found my princess," he said looking up at me and smiling. I frowned at him as he continued on scolding the young innocent. "you can't be running around these woods at night."

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