Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey guys! I started writing this chapter today...I didn't expect to finish but I did so here it is!!! I just started and so I don't have many reads, but could you readers share it with friends? If you would do that, that would be great. But don't feel like you have to! Im just rambling now so here is the chapter. <3 xx



I woke up in the nurse's office. I don't know why I'm here. I don't remember going to class. I just remember those two very attractive boys. Then the nurse broke me out of my train of thought.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Alright. My jaw is sore." I said.

"I'd expect that. Here are pain medicines." I took the medicine and wondered why she would expect me to have a sore jaw. I just decided to forget about it.

"Thanks for the medicine" I mumbled "What happened to me?"

"I don't know. That boy brought you here. You were unconscious" She gestured to the boy in the corner.

This boy had light brown hair with brown eyes. He was wearing tan skinny jeans with a blue-ish/purple-ish plaid shirt. He was attractive, but nothing compared to the dark haired boy. I don't know why, but I couldn't get him out of my head. Then I heard someone clear their throat.

"Umm, You are staring at me" the boy said. I blushed. I need to focus. Pretend to be straight. Quit finding every boy attractive. Get it together Niall!

"Sorry, I spaced off. My name is Niall Horan."

"I know. My name is Liam Payne."

"Nice to meet you. So, what exactly happened to me?" I said.

"Zayn & Harry walked up to you and Zayn punched you in the face." Liam said "I think they beat up all the new kids"

"Ok, but who is Zayn and Harry?" I said.

"Zayn has black hair and Harry has curly hair." he explained. I was starting to understand what went down. I was upset that the sexiest boy in the universe, Zayn, beat me up. I was confused on why him and Harry hated the new kids. I was also confused on why Zayn still hadn't left my mind. HE BEAT ME UP FOR GOD SAKE!!!! But I still had a soft spot for him. My feelings are so messed up.

"Why do Zayn and Harry beat up the new kids?" I asked Liam.

"Dunno. Maybe they just want to show that they don't want to be messed with."

"Oh." That is all I could say. But now I was wondering why this Liam kid helped me and brought me here.

"So why did you help me?"

"I didn't think it was right for them to punch you, so I stepped in and made sure they stopped. When I noticed you blacked out, I took you to the nurse," he said "I felt like I needed to protect you. And I've only just met you, but you seem really nice." i just nodded. Liam did seem nice too. Maybe, just maybe I will have a friend. Then Liam stood up and walked over to me and said, "We better get to class. 2nd Period will be starting soon."

I asked, " What class do you have? Maybe we have the same class." I grinned. I really hope we have the next class together.

"I have math--"

I cut him off and said, "Me too! Let's Go!"

We got to class and sat down together. We started talking about random stuff before class started. Then Liam said one of the nicest things you could say to me.

"This is the start to a beautiful friendship"

I think i just died inside. I wanted to scream, jump in the air, and give him a nice big Horan Hug, but I just grinned and said, "It sure is" I tried to hold back a smile, but I couldn't do it. I probably looked like a freak with a grin from ear to ear, but I didn't care. All I cared about was that i have a friend.

After class i checked my schedule with Liam's. We didn't have the next class together, so I walked to class alone. Eventually I got to my English class. I just sat in the back by myself and looked out the window. it was a nice day out, too bad I'm stuck inside. Then i felt someone sit next to me.

"Hello!!" he said. Why he had so much enthusiasm and excitement is a mystery to me.

"Hi." i said back.

"My name is Louis Tomlinson." he grinned at me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Niall Horan." I noticed that Louis has an interesting sense of style. He was wearing a blue striped shirt, red skinny jeans that were rolled up to his ankles, and blue TOMS. I admired him for being unique, but his style will take some getting used to.

He said, "I know who you are. You are the kid that got beat up by Zayn and Harry right?" I just nodded.

"They are mean! How could they do that to you? You seem like a sweet boy with beautiful blonde hair and a thick Irish accent."

I blushed. Did he really just call my hair beautiful? i wonder if Zayn likes my hair. Maybe he thinks it is beautiful too... NO! Quit thinking about him, he beat me up. He obviously hates me. I am so flustered. Louis obviously noticed and asked, "What is wrong?" he seemed really concerned, but I didn't want to tell him. You know because I am "straight". If I told him what's wrong, he would know I'm gay. Then everyone would hate me like back at my old school. I would have no friends again, and I was determined to have at least one friend here. I have Liam and maybe Louis. i can't lose them now.

"Nothing" Is all i said. He knew I was lying, but he just let it go. I'm glad he did though because I probably would have spilt out all my feelings and ruined everything. Then there was a commotion at the door. I looked over there and my heart dropped.

Zayn was in my class.

As soon as Zayn walked in, he looked at me. His eyes said he felt guilty and was sorry, but his words said another.

"Hey Niall. Having a good first day?" he snickered, pointing to the bruise on my jaw. I hadn't realized i had a bruise. That is probably why the nurse said she knew my jaw would be sore. It all makes sense now. I wanted to see the bruise, so i got out my phone and looked at my reflection. The bruise wasn't that big, but it was really purple and blue. When i get home my mom is going to freak out.



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