Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey my lovely readers!! I see that i have over 30 reads! I was so excited when i saw that. I didn't know I would have that many in a week. Anyway, are you guys enjoying the first two chapters? I would love some commemts. I have a few votes so that means it doesn't totally suck right? But please vote and comment so i know you like my story. Even if your comment just says upload soon, I will know you like my story because you wouldn't say that or take the time to comment if you didn't right? Well i noticed i am rambling and i don't want to bore you. One last thing...if your comment is extra-super-duper-fantabulous then i will dedicate the next chapter to you. Sorry for gramatical or punctuation errors. I just uploaded this when I was done writing it.  I am done rambling so here is the next chapter my lovely readers(: <3 xx


Niall POV 

During English class, I only had one thing on my mind....And it wasn't English. I couldn't get the tan-skinned boy out of my head. Zayn is so gorgeous with his black hair, always styled in a quiff. His toned chest which you could see through his shirt was amazing. I am pratically drooling over him. I can't help it! He is just so god damn fine! I just want to grab him and give him a huge Horan Hug. I would like to lightly touch his tattoos. I want to be with him, then hold his cheeks and slam my lips to his as we slowly mend together and kiss in sync. Then i would slowly put my hands under his shirt making him gasp. Taking my chance i would slip my tongue in his mouth as we fight for dominance. Of course I would win. His tongue would feel so great entangled with mine. I just want to rip his shirt off and lick his abs down to the top of his jeans where---NO! I can't think like that! First of all, I have to remeber that I am acting straight. And so far I think I am doing a shitty job. I just cannot daydream about him like that. And second of all, he beat me up, I should be scared of him! I should want to avoid him at all cost, but I just don't want to. I can't get this boy out of my head.  

Then before i knew it, the bell had rang. 

Next I had Science, Geography and then History. I had neither Louis nor Liam in those classes, so they were quite boring. Then I had my final class of the day. I had music class. I love music, I've always loved music. When I was little I sang all the time. I still do, and I sound really good. I'm really not cocky, but I know I have a really good voice. I have always wanted to try out for the X-Factor or some singing show, but I was always afraid that my sexuality would be an issue. Nobody would want a gay guy to win. I always worry about my sexuality being a problem every since I was first bullied. I seem to think about it all the time since then. I wish people would accept me for me.. But people don't do that and that is a shame. Since I always worry about that, I just sing for fun. Oh and I almost forgot, I also play the guitar. I have been playing the guitar since I was 11. I love playing it. It has such a beautiful sound. In my music class, I can only hope there will be a guitar for me to play. 

When I finally got to class, I looked around before deciding to take a seat. One by one people started strolling in. Then Liam and Louis came in. I was beyond excited. My friends had music with me! I didn't even know they liked music. Well I guess I never asked them, but.....Anyway this was going to be a fun class. Then they walked over to me. 

"Hey Ni." Louis said 

"Ni?" I questioned 

"Yeah. Ni or Nialler, that is you. Those are now your official nicknames" Louis announced with a grin. 

"Ok. Then I am going to call you.......Lou or LouLou" I snickered 

"LouLou is worse than your nickname!" Lou complained 

"I don't care. I like it and it is staying" I grinned 

"Fine" Louis said. Quite sassy I might add 

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