Rescued Wishes[Pirate Sora X FEM Mermaid Reader]

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The storm in the distance grew heartier by the minute. It often did around the vast reef where you lived your entire life, and it was a pleasing sight to watch while perched on the rock you often called your second home. Storms—for you, as a water dweller—was a view you particularly enjoyed gazing upon from the safety of the waters, even if you knew all the destruction it could cause to the land and to whoever residing there.

Ever since you heard the phrase: Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning, from a passerby ship, you became keen of the storms above your head—and since then you watched them at their peak of destruction.

Today's storm tore through the sky, throwing it around with angry fists. The ferocity of the wind blew your wet hair in directions they never reach while swimming in the sea. Usually, it annoyed you, but today you focused solely on the cyclones spawning in the area. For the first time since you began storm watching, several strong and windy cones plodded over the surface of the water, searching for the next boat that could be its next victim. Not toward you, thank God, but it circulated at a favorable distance.

You moved your tail under your bottom—a more comfortable position for you to sit for a longer period of time—and squinted out at the unstable waves of the sea which seemingly were being controlled by a skinny cyclone in the distance. Oh, there was more than that single cyclone out there. Actually, you saw a dark spec arriving not far from the cyclone, and it was approaching your island at an alarming speed. You realized it was one of those pirate ships, and judging by the torn sailing and broken wood you saw as if came closer—it was in no condition to be out there on the water. Especially if the people on board wanted to survive.

    The storm must have hit them a few times for their ship to look so ruggedly and more like a splinter from some soggy and rotten wood, ready to break down. You attempted to tilt your head up enough to see any life on the ship, but it was impossible from your stance.

Leaning forward, your lips turned sorrowfully, knowing the only fate for the people. Oh, these poor sods—they wouldn't last long in the storm, and you knew it. And as much as you wanted to do something, as a mermaid, you couldn't do much but sit and watch its final stand against Mother Nature.

But there were more things worse than the storm, and it was these creatures that showed up randomly and out of nowhere.

    More disaster struck as those things abruptly out of nowhere appeared in the sky above the ship.

    Always, they bore different forms, but somewhere there was a signature heart on their bodies. Because of that, you'd grown accustomed to calling them Hearts. And you didn't want to mess with the hearts, cause they were aggressive always and looking to make sushi out of you, and out of the ship too. These Hearts took the shape of a fat bug with small wings barely lifting them through the air, puffs of multi-colored smoke followed them. If they weren't so nasty, you would have called the odd displays of smoke a sight to see. In reality, however, they were just a warning sign like a Tiger Fish's bright colors.

You watched as the Hearts dove at the ship, attacking whoever the crew was. You couldn't see them now, even if the ship no longer was a spec over the horizon.

Your heart ached, and you shook your head, whispering, "Poor them. I'm so sorry."

The first victim of the Hearts cried out faintly—a male you could tell—as one dove. Over the edge of the ship, a body stumbled off, flipping down before landing on their back. You'd barely caught a glimpse of the victim, but you saw that it was someone small with maybe brown or another dark color for their hair. It didn't really matter what they looked like now—because they'd been knocked off and killed.

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