Family Reunion

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Kylie's POV

When we got to the airport, Louis helped me check in then we sat in the waiting area.

"HEY KYLIE GUESS WHAT?"Louis whisper yelled.

"What?" I whispered back.

"I like goats."

I burst out laughing. Louis always knew how to cheer me up. That was one of the many things I love about him.

"Louis guess what?" I whispered.


"I like spaghetti."

He smiled at me.

"Why are we whispering?" I asked him quietly.

"Well do you want us to yell?"He whispered.

"NO but doesnt mean we have to whisper."I said normally.

"Riiiiight."He said normally.

"Flight to Doncaster is now boarding. Please proceed to the entrance. Thank you and have a nice day"

"EEEEE LETS GO LOUIS!!!!!"I yelled.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the entrance. He showed the flight attendant our tickets then we started to board the plane. He took out his phone probably to text his mum or something.

On the whole plane ride to Doncaster, I was watching movies while Louis was sleeping. A few hours later, we had arrived in Doncaster.

"My mum... Well actually our mum said she would meet us at Starbucks."

"Theres a Starbucks in an airport?" I wondered out loud.

Louis chuckled becore nodding.

We walked the short distance to Starbucks. Louis suddenly pointed at a two girls. One was a woman and one was a teenage girl. We walked over to them. They didnt notice us until we got to their table. They looked up at us.

"Louis! Youre back!!!" the woman jumped up and hugged Louis. "And who is this? Your new girlfriend? What happened to Eleanor? Did you two-"

"No mum. El and I are still together. This is Kylie. Your.... Your daughter."

The woman.... Well I guess I could call her my mum, looked surprised. Then a look of realization took over.


"Hi mum." I whispered. Tears started to gather in my eyes.

She pulled me into a hug. I cried silently on her shoulder. I could tell that she was crying too. She pulled away with a gentle smile on her face. I gave her a smile in return. Then I looked at the teenage girl.

"Are you my sister?" I whispered. She nodded. I ran to her and pulled her into a big hug.

"We'll catch up later." She whispered into my ear.

"Whats your name?" I whispered.

"My full name is Felicite but please call me Fizzy."

"Fizzy. Got it."

"Kylie, we should go. I left Lottie, Daisy and Phoebe at home and I am really starting to regret that decision."

I giggled. "Of course. "

Fizzy and and I talked the whole ride home while Louis just played around with his phone.

When we finally reached our destination, I was the first one out of the car. I dashed to the door and hopped from one foot to the other as I waited for Jay to unlock the door. When she finally did, two little girls came running.

"Louis!!!!" They screamed in unison.

"Daisy! Phoebe!" He laughed. Then another older looking girl came.

"Hi! Im Lottie!" She chirped.

"Im Kylie. Your sister."

"Sister?" She asked questionly with her eyebrows raised.

Jay stepped in. "Lottie you know how I said I had to set one of my kids up for adoption? Well Kylie was that kid."

A look of realization came over her face.

"Oh my gosh! Its so good to have you back!!!" She squealed. I smiled at her.

"Louis you can go unpack. Lottie and Fizzy, can you both show Kylie to the guest room please?" Jay asked. They all nodded.

Lottie and Fizzy helped me with my suitcases and showed me my room. The walls were a baby blue colour and there was a canopy bed at the left corner of the room. The closet was on the right side of the room and there were a nightstand beside the bed.

"Thanks guys." I gave them both a hug then they went back downstairs. I unpacked my things when I came across my photo album. I brought it downstairs to show my mum.

"Oh yes I remember this." Jay said when I showed her. "Would you still like to keep it?"

I nodded. She handed it back to me then I went back upstairs. I placed it on my nightstand then went to find Daisy snd Phoebe.

"Daisy?! Phoebe?!"

I heard a muffled "Come and find us!"

I laughed. "Ok ready or not, here I come!" I called out. I went to the room that they shared first. No sign of them. Then I went to Lottie and Fizzy's room. Still no Daisy and Phoebe. I went to my room. Still no sign of them.

"Daisy!!! Phoebe!!!"

Then I went to Louis' room.

"Louis have you seen Daisy and Phoebe?"

"No of course not." He answered a little too quickly. I sighed.

I opened his closet doors


"AHHHH" I screamed. "Oh my god girls please dont ever do the again."

"Ok!" they both chirped then bounded off.

"So Louis. You didnt see Daisy and Phoebe huh?"

His eyes widened a little then he quickly shook his head.

"Oh really? Cuz I can tell when youre lying. You never look me in the eyes when you lie."

He looked me in the eyes. "Ok fine! Maybe I did. But in my defense........... Yeah I got nothing."

"Well since you told the truth... I guess I'll let you go." I said dramatically. He breathed a sign of relief

"BEDTIME!!!!" Jay yelled. I checked the time. It was 2AM. Whoops. I guess Louis' and my flight kept them up all night. Hehe. Up All Night.

"GOOD NIGHT GUYS!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!" I screamed after I walked into my room. I took a quick shower then slipped into my pajamas. Then I slowly fell in to a deep sleep.

Not really my best chapter but im tired and lazy. School actually wasnt that bad. Well see you soon Directioners!!!!



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