Live While We're Young

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Since the chapter before this was pretty short, I'll try to make this longer. PEACE OUT

Kylie's POV

I woke up in the morning and groaned when the sunlight hit my face. I crawled out of bed and jumped into the shower. Not literally. Its just a figure of speech. I think it is. Well people use it so its a figure of speech right? Hmm

I wrapped a towel around my torso. Hopefully, the boys in my room wont suddenly wake up to see me walking around in only a towel. Cross my fingers.

I scrambled to my closet and threw on a outfit. It was a blue top with black skinny jeans and black flats. If you havent noticed, I have an obsession for flats. Anyways, I aslso wore a thick blue sparkly bracelet, feathered earings, a black flower ring and my RAYBAN WAFERERS.

I checked the time briefly before I went downstairs. 10:45. Wait 10:45?! Liam said they had to start the music video today. And when I checked their schedule, they were supposed to be there at 10:30. Ahhhhh shiz.

I ran back to our room and grabbed Louis' bullhorn. This should be fun.


They all shot up and got changed and stuff. I really dont wanna know. I ran downstairs so I couldnt see anything and to make them breakfast. Since they didnt have much time, I just made toast with Nutella. Simple, but effective. Yeah thats right. I WATCHED THE VIDEO DIARIES.

A few seconds later, they all came rushing downstairs then grabbed their toast and ran outside. Harry grabbed my arm and yanked me along with them. My guess is that Im towing along. Im so smart arent I? Lol....

"Harrrrryyyyyyyyy! I didnt have breakfast yet!" I whined. Harry looked annoyed. Mission accomplished.

"You'll eat something there. We need to go."

We piled into his car then sped off. During the drive, I left the other boys and Amanda a voice message to let them know that we left.


We soon arrived and the people working there didnt look very happy. I quickly left so that I wouldnt get in trouble. Then I saw two faces that I missed.

"Eleanor! Josh!" I squealed. They turned their heads to look at me and smiled. We walked towards each other then I pulled them into a hug.

"I missed you guys so much! Though I'll be seeing you a lot soon Josh."

He looked confused. Im guessing they werent informed yet.

"Im gonna be singing with the others!"

"OMG really?! Im so proud if you! See I told you that you had a great voice! I cant believe it took THAT LONG for you to realize it." El said with a pout. Josh and I laughed at her reaction. She is PERFECT for Louis. They should never break up. I'll force them back together if they do.

"Josh dont take this the wrong way but why are you here!" I asked questionly.

"Dont want me here eh? Well Im going to be in the music video!"

"Ohhhh that makes so much more sense." I said. "Is the rest of the band here?"

He nodded. As if on cue, Jon, Sandy and Dan walked to us. We caught up from the last time we met which was about two months ago. The boys were doing pretty good and Josh was now verified. The fans were legendary. Or should I say the DIRECTIONERS are legendary.

We heard the music video start. They were filming the pool part first. They started fooling around and basically just being themselves. I think Im going to like this music video. Its fun and they get to be themselves.

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