Chapter 24

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The rain poured down. Ayato huffed as he finally stepped under the covering that the roof of Aogiri's walkways gave him. His hair hung down in front of his eyes, his coat stuck to him.
     It wasn't a very pleasant walk back from the 23rd ward. He just wanted to go to bed. The week had been exhausting for him.
He trudged up the stairs to the 5th floor and tiredly made his way down to his room. As he approached, he noticed light trickled through the opening under his door. He furrowed his brows, pushing his way inside.
     The room was silent, everything was the same as he had left it, all but one thing.
     His bed. Which currently had (y/n) laying in the middle of it.
     He rolled his eyes.

     Everything Ayato had with him, he dropped, muttering in complaint as water from his clothes and boots seeped onto the floor. He kicked the door shut, and made his way towards his bed, tilting his head as he eyed the girl laying there.
     She looked like she was asleep.
     "'re so noisy..." she muttered, covering her face with her arm as if that would hide her from the sound.
     "It's my room, I'll do what I want." Ayato retorted.
     The girl let out a tired hum.
     "What are you even doing here?" The blue haired ghoul asked.
     (Y/n) turned to her side to tiredly face the male, "I knew you were heading back today..."
     Ayato clicked his tongue, "well you did a piss poor job of waiting for me then."
     "..Yeah..." the (h/c) girl replied. Her eyes weighted shut once again although she tried to keep them open to speak to him. "..I guess.."
     The boy sat next to her. Her laying form annoyed him. Did she have a hard day or something? It wasn't that late. His eyes trailed over her.

     "What's this?" He asked, placing his hand just below a long cut across the girl's cheek.
     (Y/n) sighed, brushing him away. "Investigator.... don't worry about it." She hummed, closing her eyes.
     "Ah." Ayato replied flatly. "So that's why you're  like this, eh?"
     she didn't say anything.
     The male watched her for a moment, looking her over for more wounds unconsciously. He found none, His eyes drifted back up to her face.
     He brushed his hand through her hair, "dumbass."

A moment passed and Ayato got up from the bed, remembering that his clothes were wet. He huffed, and wandered over to his old dresser, opening it and digging for something to wear for the night. He peeled off his wet coat and jeans, and changed into some sweats and a fresh shirt before returning to the bed.
"Move." He said flatly. He watched (y/n) with an annoyed expression as she took up the entirety of his small bed. "(Y/n)." He demanded.
"Shut up" the girl complained. She rolled over slightly, eventually just being pushed to the side by ayato as he shoved his way onto his own bed.
     (Y/n) whined quietly as she moved over.
"This is my god damn bed, be grateful I'm even letting you stay here." He huffed, sitting on top of the sheets as she did. "You're not the only person that's tired"
The girl looked to him plainly, and then sighed, giving him some more room. She shifted onto her side, and reached to turn off the light. "God you're whiny.." she whispered.
     He should've just kicked her out.
     "I honestly hate you."
     The girl just hummed, "that's nothing new.." she replied.

      Ayato watched her as she laid back down, her eyes falling shut once more. He held an annoyed expression, clicking his tongue as he shifted himself to lay as well. He stared up at the ceiling irritatedly, blinking a few times before letting out a groan. Despite his tiredness, he suddenly didn't feel like sleeping. He shifted onto his side and then to his other side. A loud huff escaped his lips.

     "..ayato.. shut up..." (y/n) mumbled.
     The male glared at her, clicking his tongue as he looked away.
     Damn this girl. Who was she to think she could just tell him what to do and get away with it. He had half the mind to yell back at her and show her that he was the one in charge, it was his room after all, but yet, he didn't. He couldn't believe himself, just staring at the ceiling angrily. What the hell had changed in him to just let (y/n) so what she wanted?
      He just wanted to go to sleep.
'Just stop thinking about it, damnit.' He scolded himself in his thoughts.

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