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When the spinning stops I look around to see where I am. I am nowhere, there is nothing here but a thick fog and I'm not even sure if that's what it is! I'm starting to freak out again when a gentle voice interrupts me. "I'd ask if your lost but, you know, if your here you probably are on purpose." "I AM lost for your information. Where the hell are we?" I reply sourly. "Shit! You must be a newbie! Um, I'm Patrick." He replies sounding kind of embarrassed. "Ok, well I'm Maxine. Now can you please answer my question?" "Oh yeah, that. Um, your dead." "Yeah, I figured." That part is true but Patrick saying it hits me hard with realization all over again, this time worse. "Oh, ok. Well this is where us ghosts go when we don't know where we wanna go. That's what I call it anyway" Patrick looks uncomfortable and I'm starting to feel bad about being so harsh on him. "I'm sorry." I mutter. "About what." He replies "About getting all angry at you when your trying to help me." "Oh, its ok. When I first died I freaked and punched the guy who told me in the face. Well, I tried. He went translucent the second before I hit him." "Really?! I promise I won't punch you." I say laughing. It feels good to laugh.

Patrick shows me how to do some cool and easy ghosty tricks. Learning how to go translucent and stuff if fun for a while but knowing my mom is living with a murderer is pretty big "party pooper" as she'd call it. "Um, Patrick?" I say. "Yeah? What's up?" he replies. "Um, well you know how my mental step dad was the one who killed me?" "No, you left that part out. Thats awful, um, do you need a hug? Im sorry that was really lame and kinda weird." He laughs awkwardly. "Actually a hug would be really nice right now but promise you won't go translucent?" I ask. "Of course." Patrick leans in for a slightly awkward hug and I cling to him like a small child. "Thank you." I whisper in his ear. "No problem." he replies. I feel his cheek bones rise as he says this, realizing he's smiling. Someday I'll take a closer look at that smile I promise myself.


This is my first novel on wattpad and its kinda cliché but I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.

Thanks - Chloe

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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