Chapter 2

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What the humans didn't know was that in Hell, there's 3 kingdoms at the moment:

The most powerful one, where Anti is the king and he is in charge of ghosts and dead people's placings. He got on the throne when he was pretty young and his dad, who was very cruel got murdered by his own people. Anti seeing that his dad was not on the right path, he swore he will be better than his father, who was also named Anti and the humans don't know it, but the Anti they fear is not one wo leads the kingdom currently, but the one that is deceased, and the ruler now is a much nicer and kinder king.

The secound kingdom is where Dark's dad is the king and demons with medium ranged powers live, but the king is very old and sick, and while not much is known about this kingdom, it is true that the prince and the first kingdom's king gets along very well.

And there's the third where there's two kings who rule the kingdom, and it's believed their name is Madpat and Natemare. This kingdom has a long history. It was originally two. Their dads always fought and it lead to where the whole kingdom was fighting against themselves.This is why the two kings united the kingdoms. They wanted to rule it together. Afterall,they are in love with eachother, and wanted to make the kingdom peaceful again. The kingdom is a bit hard to locate- it's always moving, and while the kings are trying to stop the fight between their people, it's almost impossible.

The three kingdoms are currently in touch with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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