Chapter Twelve: Leaving for Brazil

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“I can’t believe that you get to spend two weeks in Brazil,” Connor mumbled watching Meena pack for her trip, it might have been for work but she was still going somewhere sunny for a fortnight.

Meena laughed softly and looked at her best friend, she wasn’t really looking forward to going to Brazil for two weeks; she was just dropping Davi off at his mother’s and then she would spend time at Neymar’s apartment there.

Then when the two weeks were over, she would fly back with Davi so that he could live with his father again.

“I’ll be working,” Meena said closing her suitcase, she didn’t have a lot of clothes to begin with and she needed things that would look okay while she was working.

It was spring in Brazil while it was autumn in Barcelona, she wasn’t looking forward to the swap around and Meena had a lot on her mind right now.

Things had been difficult since the second near kiss between her and Neymar, Meena didn’t want to get involved with him especially when he still had Bruna for a girlfriend.

Connor muttered under his breath as he walked out of Meena’s room, he barely saw her anymore but he was happy that she had found work that she enjoyed doing.

Neil chuckled smiling at his best friend, he was happy for Meena but he knew that something was bothering her.

“You want to talk about it?” Neil asked sitting down on her bed, he hated that she was being so quiet; he could tell that it was something big and maybe some time in Brazil would be good for her.

Meena shook her head as she flashed Neil a small smile, she didn’t want anyone worrying about her; she was fine and some space away from Neymar would be good for her right.

“I’m fine Neil… just over thinking again,” Meena said simply, she hadn’t told anyone what had nearly happened between her and Neymar.


Neymar grumbled annoyed watching Meena prepare to leave for Brazil for two weeks, he didn’t like it but it was the agreement that he had with Davi’s mother for custody.

Things had been a little awkward since their near kiss, Neymar was still dating Bruna and Meena had made it clear that she wouldn’t be the reason that he cheated on his girlfriend.

“How are you?” Neymar murmured sitting down on his son’s bed, she was in the middle of making sure that the little boy had everything that he would need; the footballer messed with one of Davi’s stuffed toys as he continued to watch Meena.

“I’m good,” Meena said softly peeking at Neymar, she felt on edge and didn’t like it especially since Bruna was back again; she didn’t want the actress knowing that anything had nearly happened between the two of them.

Neymar nodded chewing on his lip, his brown eyes watched her as she moved around the room; Meena had noticed a couple of times that there were light shades of green in them sometimes when the sun was in his eyes.

“Brazil should be nice,” Neymar mused trying to think of something anything he could say to ease the tension that filled the air; he hadn’t expected Bruna to show up like she had and it had only made things worse between him and Meena.

Meena nodded her head flashing a smile at Neymar, she could see what he was trying to do and she was grateful; she didn’t want things being weird between them.

“Do you need any help?” Neymar asked wanting to kick himself for being so awkward with Meena.

Meena seemed so calm and relaxed about everything that had happened, it put him on edge and Neymar wished that he could smooth things out between them. Neymar wanted her and she had made it clear that it wasn’t going to happen while he was still dating Bruna.

“I’m nearly done,” Meena said continuing to make sure that she had everything, she had packed yesterday for Davi but the little boy seemed to have unpacked while she was gone.

Neymar nodded slowly watching Meena, he wanted to tell her what he had planned while she was gone; he planned to break up with Bruna while she was gone, he wanted her to be his.

“Will Caroline be picking Davi up from the airport?” Meena asked looking at Neymar, she was trying to remain professional since Bruna was hovering around all the time.

The actress was annoying her and Meena had stayed away as much as she could; Bruna was Neymar’s girlfriend and she would only end up being sacked if she punched the stuck-up actress.

“Yes… there will be a car for you to use in Brazil,” Neymar said smiling a little, Meena would be staying at his apartment in São Paulo and he hoped that she would be comfortable.

It had three bedrooms and she was more than welcome to stay in the guest room while she was there; Neymar had no idea that she would be staying in a room similar to the one that she had in his home.

Neymar had no idea where Meena slept when she looked after Davi when he was away, he assumed that her room was like the bedrooms that he had upstairs instead of a plain maid’s room.


“Adeus papa,” Davi said hugging his father goodbye as they stood in Barcelona airport, he smiled up at Neymar who big brown eyes as the footballer prepared for him to leave.

Meena stood quietly as she watched Neymar with his son, he was a wonderful father and Davi was a lucky little boy; she swallowed at the thought of her own family before she shook her head.

“You be good for Meena,” Neymar said softly brushing his fingers through his Davi’s blonde locks, he was going to miss him while he was gone but it was only for two weeks.

Davi nodded his head peeking at his nanny, he smiled cutely as he grabbed his father’s hand and dragged him over to Meena; he pouted as the two adults looked at him confused.

“Say Adeus to Meena,” Davi all but demanded looking at his father with a small pout, he smiled as Neymar opened his mouth and stared down at his son.

Bruna was stood only feet from them and was watching the entire thing, a frown on her face as she glared at the little boy; she couldn’t believe that Davi was doing this.

“Adeus Meena,” Neymar said softly smiling at Meena, he was glad that his son had done this; he couldn’t have said goodbye to her if Davi hadn’t without Bruna throwing a fit.

Meena nodded at him as Davi took her hand and let go of Neymar’s, he looked up at his nanny as he waited for her to say goodbye to his father; he loved them both and he liked being with both of them.

“Adeus Neymar,” Meena replied smiling back at him, she cleared her throat glancing back at Bruna who was now walking over to them; it was time for them to leave for Brazil.

Bruna wrapped her arms around Neymar as Meena and Davi left to head through security, she smiled glad that she had her boyfriend to herself; no meddling brat in the way or seductive nanny.

“Graças a Deus,” Bruna said as Meena and Davi disappeared, she ignored the look that Neymar gave her; she had two weeks to make sure he never looked at another woman again.

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