Chapter Thirteen: São Paulo, Brazil

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“Mama,” Davi squealed excitedly hurrying to Carolina as he spotted his mother, it had been a long flight and Meena was exhausted; she was just happy to be in Brazil now and she was going to have two weeks of rest before she returned to Barcelona.

Carolina smiled moving to hug her son, she had missed him so much and she was happy that for the next two weeks Davi was all hers.

Carolina cuddled her little boy looking at Meena, she was determined to also get to know the woman; she was sure that Neymar would soon end things with Bruna to pursue the nanny.

Carolina was all too aware that Nadine and Neymar Sr. wouldn’t be happy if their son started dating Meena; they would do everything in their power to stop them from getting together.

“Olá Meena,” Carolina greeted getting to her feet and smiled at the brunette, she was going to make her feel welcome since she was so sure that one day they were going to be great friends.

“Olá,” Meena replied smiling, she felt at ease now that she had handed Davi over, she just needed to get to Neymar’s apartment and sleep then she would feel so much better.

Carolina smiled back balancing Davi on her hip as she watched the nanny; she wasn’t surprised that Meena looked so tired since Carolina knew too well that Davi didn’t like sleeping on planes.

“Would you like a lift back to the apartment?” Carolina asked, she didn’t want to leave the nanny alone and she was sure that the trip wouldn’t take that long.

Meena nodded gratefully, she didn’t fancy taking a taxi since she didn’t know where she was going; she yawned looking forward to a good night’s rest.


Stepping into Neymar’s apartment in São Paulo, Meena blinked looking around as she flicked on one of the lights; Carolina had pointed her in the right direction before she had headed home with Davi.

Meena closed the door behind her and sighed as she chewed on her lip, she had sent Neymar a text in the car to say that they had arrived safely and she hadn’t heard back from him yet.

Meena left her suitcase and moved to find out what bedroom was hers, she tried the first door and frowned when she found it locked; shaking her head she moved to find the next one was locked to.

Meena furrowed her brow as she stared between the two doors, she didn’t have to guess to know that this was Nadine’s doing and she wished the woman would have a little more trust in her; a sign would have been better.

Trying the final door on the corridor, Meena found that one locked as well; she had been told by Carolina where the three bedrooms were and apparently she wouldn’t be sleeping in any of them.

Shaking her head, Meena leant against the main bedroom door and crossed her arms; she looked around wondering if they expected her to sleep on the couch or the floor.

Nadine had told her that there was a room somewhere in the apartment for her, however Meena wasn’t sure where; shaking her head annoyed, she slowly moved to try each and every door that there was in the apartment.

Meena blinked surprised as the first door that she tried opened, she curiously stepped inside and sighed relieved as she finally found a bed; there wasn’t a lot in the room and it only held a bed and a bathroom.

Meena spotted a note attached to the wall that made it clear that this was her room for her two week stay.

Pulling the note down, Meena moved to get collect her suitcase so that she could bring it into her room; she would read the note when she’d had some sleep and was ready to deal with Nadine’s words.

Meena brushed her fingers through her hair as she shut her door, she peeked around the small room and sighed; she felt a little disappointed that she had been given a crappy room that was similar to her one back in Barcelona.

Meena was nothing more than staff and she was going to have to remember that when it came to Neymar’s family; they had made it very clear that she was beneath them since she had started working for the footballer.

Shaking her head, Meena collected her pink lace trim T-shirt and navy heart print viscose capri bottoms and changed out of her clothes; she almost sighed in relief as she turned off her light and laid down.

The room was so dark without any windows and Meena swallowed as she tried to ignore the heat, it was summer in Brazil and she was going to enjoy it while she could.

This break would also allow her to think about things with Neymar, she didn’t know how she felt about the footballer but she needed to get a grip of things.


Bruna smiled waiting for Neymar to come home from training, Meena and Davi had been gone for fifteen hours now and she was determined to make sure that she left her mark on the footballer.

Bruna wasn’t going to lose Neymar and with her love rival gone for two weeks, she was going to make sure that the footballer was wrapped around her finger before Meena returned.

Bruna smirked hearing the front door open and close, she opened the satin robe that she was wearing; she had dressed up for the occasion and was sure Neymar would like it.

Neymar sighed as he set down his training bag and headed for the kitchen, he ignored the living room where Bruna was and went to make himself some lunch.

Neymar missed his son and the next two weeks weren’t going to be easy; he was so used to Davi being home when he arrived back and Meena greeting him with a smile.

Neymar kept himself focused on making some lunch, he heard Bruna come in behind him and held back a groan; she had been so clingy since Meena had left and Neymar didn’t like it.

“How was training?” Bruna asked softly trying to get Neymar’s attention, she wasn’t used to being ignored especially by her own boyfriend.

It made her worry what had happened while she had been gone, she hated the thought of Meena stealing her boyfriend without her even knowing.

“Training was fine,” Neymar said peeking back at his girlfriend, he felt disappointed that it wasn’t Meena and he couldn’t help but think more about breaking things off with Bruna.

Bruna pursed her lips as she realised that Neymar hadn’t said anything when he looked at her, she had hoped that he would be excited by what she was wearing but there was nothing.

“Do you want to do something?” Bruna asked strutting over to her boyfriend, she made to wrap her arms around Neymar only to have him shrug her off.

Bruna blinked hurt as Neymar took his lunch and moved to sit down, he didn’t even look at her and she couldn’t believe that he was ignoring her like this; they had been together for months now and things were slowly starting to fall apart especially with Meena in the picture.

“No… I think I’ll just eat lunch and take a nap,” Neymar said flashing his girlfriend a smile, he missed Meena and Davi and he couldn’t wait to come home; two weeks were going to be a long time without the two of them around to keep him company.

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