a deal with the wrong god

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I never in my life believed in the supernatural or life after death, I believed in logic science and anything you can explain with a simple equation. But then my mother told me we came from a line of powerful magic wielders a day before my 18th birthday which was also the day I graduated from high school.

I was confused and very worried about her mental health. But she decided to prove it to me by turning the case she held to gold. Alchemy is a science that people have mistaken for magic because sudden wealth is illogical, so clearly she couldn't buy me with it, but then she shapeshifted into my father.

My father died when I was 12 I watched him get shot in-between the eyes for trying to resist arrest, but I never mourned him because i never wanted to accept that he was dead. I looked at my mum/dad and no logical explanation could come to my mind to defend what I saw. I wanted to blame it on a mental game  but I knew it wasn't.

I looked at my mum who had returned back to her original form and asked

"why are you telling me this?"

"We are artisans, masters of any craft we lay our hands to do. My family was blessed with illusions and transformation, your father's family was gifted with imagination and creativity in general. You're wielding two very powerful bloodlines and there are  going to be people after your blood like they were your father's"

"What do you mean"

"Tomorrow after your graduation don't come home, you'll have 10 grand in your purse, a plane ticket to Greece and an information card. Whatever you do don't relate with anyone after your graduation till you get to the address on the information card in Greece, not even me. I beg you if I loose you this time you may never come back"

What does she mean loose me this time

"Please, Mira don't speak to anyone not even me, because it may not be me, I beg you"

I'm still a bit confused but I roll my eyes and nod.

The next day after my valedictorian speech, I decided to leave a little early and head to the airport, I drove myself since I wasn't supposed to TaLk To AnYbOdY, I'm sure this is a stupid graduation prank and a trip to Europe is my gift, besides I always wanted to visit Greece.

I head to the airport with my luggage that I packed the night prior and when I enter I notice three elderly looking women who basically have their eyes on me.


I walk through check in without saying a word, and wait patiently for my flight to get called. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn.

"Miss, may I know what time it is"

Do not speak to anyone i beg you

I take out my phone and power it, then show the gentle man the time on my phone screen, he looks at it and smiles

"Your pretty smart aren't you"


"So you're listening to her this time, what's the matter you got 1 life left?"

What is this nutso talking about

Then he stomped on my foot hard with a Cain, that's it this prank had gone on too far.

"What is your problem!!" I turn to face him

The next thing I know everyone is frozen in place except me and him.

"Since you engaged with me I challenge you to a brawl till the death"

What the-

I don't finish my thoughts before I get blasted with fire and hit the wall hard. In a nano second this man gets on top of me and hits me repeatedly till my ears begin to ring.

"Give up your gifts and I will spare your life"

As soon as he says that all these memories of me in different eras come to my mind and suddenly I remember everything. And just like that everything goes black.



I look up and it's the three creepy old women from the airport who I now realize are the Faith's

"Your thread is still-

"What do you want"

"Do you not have any respect for-

"I have a fight to return to so hurry up"

"He killed you, you have one thread left"

"He had an unfair advantage"

"In your deal with Hades you agreed to return unaware till your last thread"

It's true, I did. The only one that could remember was my mum because she had to keep birthing me.

"My mum"

"She's in Greece"

"Will she have to rebirth me"

"Yes, but it's a little different this time"

"How so?"

"She has been allowed to stay in Greece, on your becoming of a woman, you will still be fought for your gifts, but you have to pick a patron among the gods that means extra protection"

"And if I refuse a patron?, Because my last patron made me gamble with my immortality for his sick pleasure"

"Then you will have to find out on your own"

"What about my father"

"What about him?"

"Will he return?"

"Your name will change from Mira to Calypso, when you return you will notice all the changes in your life"

"What about my father?!"

"Till we meet again Calypso"
They all said together before I was submerged in darkness once again

Hello, it is I, Calypso's creator. Please tell me what you think and vote.

Also should Calypso have a real love interest because I really wanted her dad to be the only man in her life.

Till next time goes!!!

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