new boy

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George is in every single class with me, along side Adora and Agnes. But George is new.

Adora doesn't bother to hide her discomfort with george it's like she knew him before or she can sense something that no one else can sense.

I'm just going to mind my business.

Right now we have history, our teacher Mr. Seeynk is nagging on and on about the importance of our grade, obeying the teacher and doing homework. I always do my homework especially when I need to occupy my mind, but the rest of our class don't really care school is more like an obligation to them.

It's a prestigious school, so everyone is Rich, influencal and powerful (otherwordly or physically).

"Anyway, for your next project you all will be working in groups of four. Organise yourselves while I write the topics on the board" Mr. Seeynk says.

I'm seated next to Adora and Agnes and George are in front of us. The both turn their chairs to our desk simultaneously.

"I guess we're a group then" Agnes giggles.

George smiles and looks directly at me and Adora's breath hitches. I didn't want to do this but I've been forced to. I open to the back of my book and write in bold CALYPSO ATHAGA NOW HAS THE ABILITY TO READ MINDS I close my book back and allow the ability to settle in meanwhile all this time, Agnes is nagging George about the way he pronounced something while Adora is furiously scribble something down.

A veil has been cast over a warlock release his identity and protect queen Calypso-

Okay so Adora is doing a protection spell over me, how cute. But who is she protecting me from? George? She's never bothered about Annabelle and the gang and they're pure evil, why is she so bothered about George?

"Alright that's it for the day remember your groups and your topics we'd discuss further next class, now get out!"

Bye Mr seeynk

Adora discreetly drops something in George's bag as she makes her way out of class to wait for me and Agnes and George.....I think.

Me and Agnes make our way out of class and meet up with Adora, and we start heading to lunch without waiting for George

"Hey shouldn't we wait for George?" Agnes says still walking

"He'll meet up at lunch I'm hungry" Adora dismisses Agnes.

We walk into the dining hall gather as much food as we want and take our respective seats at our respective table And I start eating.

"Calypso did you notice George giving you all the attention" Agnes says wiggling her eyebrows

"I don't like him" Adora says before I can respond to Agnes.

We both stop eating and turn to look at her,

"Why" we ask at the same time


"Babyyyyy" Jonah plops beside me interrupting Adora

He tries to peck me but it's pretty obvious I'm faster, so I slap his flick and turn back to Adora, she gives me a look as If to signal that we'll finish the conversation later.

10 minutes later Jordan, Kris and Petra join us at the table, light conversation goes around

"Where's George" Petra asks scanning the dining hall like a hungry predator

As she asks that we hear giggles from the door and see Annabelle walking in with her elbow in George's and they look like they're enjoying whatever conversation they're having, and subconsciously they walk to out table and stop directly in front of Agnes, then Annabelle looks away from George and looks at Agnes

"He's with me now, you all can talk to him, except the useless one catastrophe"

then she looks directly at me then looks at everyone on our table and walks away with George.

"Well thank goodness" Adora whispers under her breath.


The one thing I hate about this particular life is the fact that I have to be obedient and patient with my mum since her memories of most of the past decades have been altered.

This woman signed me up for too many extra curricular activities leaving me with little to no spare time. The good thing is Adora and Agnes are in every one, the bad thing classes like swimming, ballet and figure dancing Annabelle is to and sadly ShE's ThE bEsT. Whenever she's used as an example I roll my eyes, she tries too much and honestly it's annoying. Plus I'm too old to compete with this 18 year old at every damn thing.

"Annabelle darling why don't you show the class how a proper butterfly stroke is done" our swimming instructor Mr Barnabas says.

The first time I saw him I was very attracted to him, he's like the better looking version of Hades and that's saying alot because Hades is HOT. Literally. But when he opened his lips and it was Annabelle this, Annabelle that I knew I was gonna hate him.

And I was right. He's shit.

"Wow that's amazing, now who wants to try"

ThAt'S aMaZiNg yen yen yen

As people go after the other I notice a shadowy figure behind Mr Barnabas with blue eyes facing me, it has no reflection whatsoever and in all my years I never encountered shit like this. I think Adora notices it to because immediatly her attention is on it and her lips begin to move, no doubt a spell is being said but what could it be and what does it want.

The shadowy thing becomes less translucent and it's image is becoming clearer but still no one in the entire pool area can see it except me and Adora it begins to take a form and it becomes very clear before it looks frightened and disappears. But I saw it's face and somehow it looks exactly like But a very young version almost like it time traveled from the past

Another day, another chapter don't forget to vote and drop your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! And till the next time we meet again😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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