~Chappy 1~

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Hiya~ My name is (Y/N) and I'm 17. I'm bullied at school and abused by my "family". I was adopted at the age of 6, and I'm originally from wonderland. Yes you heard me correctly wonderland and no I'm not joking. I have long pink and white hair, I usually wear hats, I'm VERY pale, and I have cat ears and a cat tail. My real parents are the Mad Hatter and Alice.


When our kingdom was attacked my father had given me a choker and he told me to do just as we had practiced. So I went around or castle as quickly and quietly as I could and had everyone turn into charms and clip them on to the choker just as we practiced because if I were to put on the choker I would be able to gain everyone's abilities and powers. After I had put it on I changed into a Neko. I had then quickly ran to our garden and I had then moved away the plants to reveal a secret tunnel I then quickly went in and closed the hatch behind me and I had climbed down the VERY long latter. I then ran through the tunnel to just come out into some woods. The thing is though we hadn't ever gotten this far into practice. So I tried to find my way out of the woods which I eventually did. I then was found by a couple who had taken me to an orphanage where I stayed for an year. It was horrible there they would beast you starve you and dehydrate you. But after a year I was adopted and I was so happy and excited to get out of that hell hole. That happiness didn't last long since when we had gotten home they both got SUPER drunk. They had then beat me and the father.... r-raped me... I was broken... I still am...

-11 years later ( Present Day)

"Ugh I hate that fucking alarm clock." I mumbled trying to get out of bed but failing and ending up with me falling on the floor painfully I might add. I got and went to my closet and grabbed some random clothes making sure one of the things I grabbed was a sweat shirt. Then I went to my dresser and did the same thing. I quickly threw on the black ripped jean short and put on some knee high socks that had stripes that were black going across like a candy cane. I then put on a white shirt that said Nope in black. I then pulled on a maroon sweat shirt, and pulled on my high top converse that were purple. I tucked my pink and purple tail in my sweat shirt so people couldn't see it I had then put my hair into galaxy buns on my head where my ears were so you couldn't see them. I grabbed my ear buds and phone and then grabbed my black white and pastel pink back pack and put it on then jumped out of my window since I knew my "parents" were downstairs and I didn't want to deal with them. I then put my ear buds in and grabbed my skateboard which I then rode to school.

Once I got to school I had made a dash to my locker so that I could avoid my school bullies. Sadly my plan had failed. "Oh lookie who it is." Said the minions of the main bitch. Carrie and Courtney were the minions of one of the stupidest people alive... Sabrina. ( Sorry if these are one of your names feel free to change it if it is! ) "What do YOU want?" I said as emotionless as possible. I was trying so hard not to let my anger shine through since I knew I am crazy since I was born in wonderland. I couldn't let my insanity shine through or I would be put in a mental hospital. "I- actually the WHOLE SCHOOL wants you dead." Sabrina said and then she giggled at the end. "Cmon girls let's teach her a lesson of her own suddenly they had grabbed me and dragged me to the girls bathroom. Sabrina and her minions started beating me up till there was blood around me. The bell then rang " Oops sorry we gotta go to class we don't wanna be late, but Toodle~Loo!" Sabrina said then her and her minions left. I could've taken them on and beat them up instead but that might make me lose control
and kill them the last I stood up for my self let's just say it ended up with someone in a casket. I then had quickly cleaned myself up and walked out and put my skateboard and back pack in my locker grabbed the things I needed then went to class. " -and so class that is the reason our brains wo-*Creeaak*" I had opened the door which made a loud creaking sound as I opened it which had caught the attention of the whole class and the teacher. " Mrs. (L/N) why are you late to class AGAIN?" Mr. Cocksburg said, and yes his last name is Cocksburg! I mean that's just fucking hilarious! " I dunno why are you such a nosy teacher?" I had asked which just ended up with me having after school detention. "Wow an after school detention that's just what I've always fucking wanted! It's a fucking Christmas Miracle!" I said with sarcasm and ice lacing my voice. "Just sit down in irritated with you" he said with annoyance in his voice "Ya but when are you not?" I said with sarcasm yet again while heading to my seat. "Now I think that's the hardest question you have ever asked" he said back to me. I sat down and he said " Anyways we have some new students so please stand up, come to the front of the class and introduce your selfs." He had said. Then just then 6 boys came up to the class with 4 girls following behind them.

Word count- 1115 words

To be continued...

Anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this I will try to update daily or at least weekly and sorry that this was so short! I promise I'll make them longer thank you for reading and have a nice day/night! Also I want you guys to suggest names for what you guys want me to call you and if you leave ideas in the comments the I might use them and I will give credit to you guys! Love you guys! Bye!!!

Xoxo Bun~Bun

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