~Chappy 2~

841 17 2

Last Time...
I sat down and he said  "Anyways we have some new students so please stand up, come to the front of the class and introduce your selfs." He had said. Then just then 6 boys came up to the class with 4 girls following behind them.

They stood there awkwardly for a few moments. "Well introduce yourself's!" Mr Cocksburg said enthusiastically. " My names Jeff." One of the boys said who had black hair and blue eyes, " H-Hey I'm To-*tic*-Toby!" Said another boy who had brown shaggy hair and had bright shiny eyes. " I'm Jack" said quite a tall dude who also had brown hair and he had bright blue eyes as well. The next up was a small boy who had blond hair poking out from under a green beanie he said " Heyo I'm Ben." The next two were to guys that were average height,    both had brown hair and one of them had seemed shyer then the other, "Hello I'm Timothy but you can call me Tim for short and this is Brian" The guy named Brian gave a little wave. Next one of the girls said " Hi it nice to meet you all I'm Jane" said a girl with long black hair she wore a black t-shirt with a black skirt. " Sup everyone I'm Natalie" said a girl with abnormally bright green eyes and she had shoulder length brown unkempt hair. The next girl had black hair and dark brown eyes,  " Hii!! I'm Sadie!!!" Said a girl dressed black and white. " and I'm Nina " said a girl with a purple hoodie and a ponytail secured with a bright pink ribbon.
" Alright umm Jack go sit by (Y/N), and the rest go sit in the empty desks." Me. Cocksburg said. Since that Jack guy didn't know who I was he just stood there awkwardly. "Uh I don't know who (Y/N) is.." Jack said trailing off. "(Y/N) please raise your hand." The teacher had said in annoyance. Slowly I raised my hand but since I was in the back and it was dark and gloomy outside and the lights weren't on so it took him a minute to see or find me raising my hand. When he did he started walking over to to me. He then sat down next to me while I just stared out the window watching it rain since I was the one sitting right next to the window. When's lunchhhh I'm hungry. I WANT FOOD!!! Since we were doing an writing assignment I without knowingly was writing down all my thoughts. When does this class end? When does lunch start? Why are pandas not blue? MAYBE THERE ARE AND WE HAVENT FOUND THEM YET!! I mean come on there are red, brown, white, and black pandas, sooo there MUST be pink, purple, blue, green, orange, yellow, and tons of other colors! I still wants fooooood! Gimme food. Hmm I wonder what a panda tastes like... what am I thinking! I could never eat such an adorable creature! Pigs on the other hand... what I love my bacon I mean cmon bacons delicious! No one can deny that if they do then they're some type of monster or the worst monster.... A VEGETARIAN!!!!! 😡 (No offense to vegetarians I was one at one point... but then again that chicken nugget was to tempting...) Apparently it was obvious I wasn't paying attention since the teacher. Came and took my paper. " Well Mrs. (L/N) since your so busy writing something down why don't we share it with the class..." Mr. Cocksburg said. Honestly if I was a normal student or teen I would have been mortified, but I'm different and did not give a flying shit on what the other students thought. After he was done reading I simply said " Soo when IS lunch?" This made most of the students laugh, giggle or at least smile. "Why on earth did I choose to be a teacher as my job?" He asked him self. " I dunno I guess it so you could boss people around and be a big, old, cranky, grouch who always seems to be on his man period?" I asked as innocently as possible. "That's it after sch-" *Ringg* As soon as the bell rung I grabbed my stuff and ran out if there as soon as possible. The next two periods went by and nothing had happened. Now it's the best time of the day, drumroll please...... LUNCH!!!!!!!!! THAT MEANS FOOD WHICH MEANS...... CUPCAKES!!!!! EEEEEK!!! And other sugary snacks but I mean.. CUPCAKES!!!!!! I went to my locker and had grabbed my "lunch" if you could call it that anymore mainly because it was just made up of cupcakes, brownies, cookies, candy, and almost anything else that is extremely unhealthy for you including doritos, cheesecake, waffles and many more junk food delicacies. If you can't tell I love my sweet, sugary, unhealthy candy and junk food. After I got my lunch I went and sat under the cherry blossom tree where I usually eat my lunch. When I was done I went to go throw away my lunch and then I came back. After sitting there for not even a whole minute I quickly got bored. Whenever I get bored I tend to cut pretty and weird shapes into my skin with my switch blade that I had on me at all times. I started to cut. When I was eventually bored of that I stopped and put my switch blade away pulled back down the sleeve of my sweat shirt over my arm and ran to the bathroom to wash it and clean it before anyone could see. Luckily when I got there I was the only girl in there I quickly cleaned off my arm and wrapped it. When I checked how much time I had left before lunch was over and it was only one minute left. I then went to go get stuff from my locker when the bell rang signalling passing period had started and that we had only 5 minutes to get to class.
I went through the rest of my classes with out any trouble. When sixth period was finally over which at my school is the last period of the day, I had gone to my locker to get my back pack and skate board as I was walking out of the school with my skateboard under my arm and my back pack well.. on my back, I was suddenly pushed to the ground by none other the most popular and bitchiest people in the school... you guessed right it was Carrie, Courtney, and their leader, Sabrina. Let's just say they taught me another, "lesson". By the time I got home I wasn't thinking straight so I walked through the front door.. rookie mistake. I was immediately met with a beer bottle aimed right for my head and face, and with all of the shock that was going through my head I didn't even have time to register what was going on meaning, I didn't have time to dodge the beer bottle that went flying at my face which hit me and broke into a ton of glass shards that some of which had gone into my face a night of beatings from my mother and... things... from my dad I went to my room and just hid in there and had cut myself on my legs. This whole thing wasn't new to me, this course of event happened at least once a week if not everyday. Once I was done fixing my self up I had just gone to sleep.
To Be Continued

Word count - 1372 words

Hiya~ So what do you guys think so far! So far there's only been one read on my first chapter... so there's that but I'm having a lot of fun writing this book and I have a ton of other ideas for it but I still don't know what to call my readers... I was think like my little cupcakes? Or Bon bons? I don't know but I'll figure it out. Have a good day/night! Until next time!

Xoxo, Bun~Bun

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