Chapter 13

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A few minutes later, Agent R, Ryland, Maria, Zianna Garte, Eric, Sylvanna and Kim walk into the room. Immediately, Ryland and Maria ran to Daniel, Dottie and Blaze, Eric yelled "Sugar Pea!" And raced to Katelyn, who was hugging Travis, Zianna shouted "ZuZu! GarGar!" And pulled Garte along as she ran to them. Kim looked dismally at everyone, all of them couples except for her. "Don't worry, you have me." Ghost said, making Kim smile slightly. Agent R stood at the front of the room and cleared his throat. Everyone looked up at him.

"We've been talking to the GF." He announced "They realise that the Ultimas aren't evil, so they decided to stop hunting the Ultimas and defend them instead, and also defend the world from people like Michael. Their only condition us that they have the relic. Not to use as a weapon, but to keep safe and use to power their base. I said they could ask either Derek or Aaron if they need any help, like advisors. I hope that's OK."

"That's perfect! Thank you, Robert!" Derek said.

"We also found someone to lead the Guardian Forces since Toby died." Agent R glanced at Katelyn accusingly for a second "He was a GF soldier and he has connections with most of you."

The door swung open and Vlyad walked in.

"Hi..." He smiled anxiously.

"Vlyad!?" Zane exclaimed.


"Garroth!" Garroth jumped up in-between them.

Zane face palmed at his older brother, then asked "What are you doing here?"

"I joined the GF a little while ago and then the hunt for the Ultima began. I didn't know that you were involved with it, though!" Vlyad replied

"So, you're gonna be in charge of the GF, then?"

"I guess so."

"Oh, come here my little brothers." Garroth pulled them both into a hug.

"Oh, and I got a girlfriend who's gonna help me run the GF." Vlyad added.

Through the door, in walked someone they knew from Falcon Claw University.

"L-Luka!" Katelyn exclaimed "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm... I'm kinda dating Vlyad now..." Luka replied.

"Oh....Cool..." They both stood there awkwardly.

"Sooo! What's going on here?" Travis interjected, laughing awkwardly.

"This is Luka. We used to go out, in FC Uni." Katelyn explained.

"Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt." Travis repeated rapidly.

"Luka!" Aphmau spotted her, ran forward and gave her a big hug.

"Hey sweetie! How've you been? What's new with you?"

"Well, you know, running from the GF's, fighting them, stopping them killing all of my friends, you know. And I got engaged to Aaron!"

"Oh my Irene! That's so cool! My little Aphmau's all grown up."

"You're all free to go now." Agent R added "There's a boat leaving soon. It'll take you all back home."

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