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WARNING BEFORE YOU READ!!!: its kinda long... 


Laura's POV:"ROSS WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" i say angrily at Ross "I didnt do anything"Ross said simpily and walked to the living room. I followed him and catched him trying to draw on arianas face with a sharpie and I sllapped the sharpie out of his hand and I pointed upstairs signalling him to go upstairs and I carried Ari to her bed and layed her there and I went to the living room to watch TV with Ross and we slowly fell asleep on the couch and ross fell asleep on the floor.


Ariana's POV:I woke up the next morning on my bed and wondered how I got here and I shrugged it off and got up to change into a black long sleeved V-neck and black yoga pants and grabbed my hightop black coonverse and I put my hair up in a lazy bun and I went downstairs to get some water and sit down and watch My Little Pony HAY dont judge me. But someone was sleeping on the couch and another person on the floor and I looked closely to the person sleeping on the couch and it was Laura and so that means Ross.Floor.Sleeping. AHHHHHH I paniced and I kicked Ross which woke him up..."You bitch im going to beat the fuck outta you that you cant even lay down anymore."Ross said "Okay" I said and shrugged and sat down n the massage chair and turned it on and turned the TV on to watch MLP and a new episode came on and I gasped and turned the volume up more to hear and Laura woke up "Really ari!?" Laura said in a tired voice and I smiled at her "Its a new episode." I said simply "WHAT!?" Laura ran to the kitchen to get dr pepper and poured in 3 glasses and made popcorn. and then ran back here. "Here u go ross ari and ME" Laura says "Laur I dont drink pop and you know that." I told Laura and ross finally payed attention. "YOU WATCH MY LITTLE PONY!?"  Ross said weirded out "Yea you have a prob with that!" I say and pause the show before it starts and look at him.and laura gets the popcorn in a bowl and takes 20 more nd put them in the microwave Hey I have a big microwave okay? and Laura takes that out and takes 20 more and puts that in and lets just saay she wasted a whole hundred boxes of popcorn I had.But I found out wht Laura was doing and so I turned the lights off and closed the curtians and Laura came in with 2 bowls and I helped and soon we dumped all the popcorn on the floor and when we where soon in a big pool of popcorn but only up to waistish. and we ate it well only laura did I only had 3 pieces which is way more than I should have and Ross mouthed 'Fugly' at me when I glanced at him and I looked down and a tear shed so I paused the show and got up "HAY I WAS WATCHING THAT!" laura said I shrugged and I went upstairs and forced myself to throwup and I did but I felt dizzy so I took some Advil and I went to the livingroom and continued watching the show until Ross asked to go to the mall and Laura groaned and I said sure and laura said finneeeeeeeee.... I got up vacumed and went upstairs and I changed into a pastel yellow tshirt and I put on some boyfriend jeans and my under the ankle black converse and I let my hair down and put my glasses on nd got my pink iphone 5c with the pinkiepie cover and I got my locket necklce the had a A on it and I smiled in the mirror and went downstair to see ross and Laura kissing....I kinda felt like a piece of me just got crushed for some reason but I shook it offf and wited outside which turned into half and hour and I looked through the window and saw them having 'it' so I sighed and walked to the mall and got myself a pretty dress for homecoming it was a coral pink and the top was sparkly and i got white pumps and a rink that was a bow and was a pale pink and I went back home to see ross and Laura dressed sleeping on the couch together and I got my songbook out and I sat on the livingroom floor and took my lucky pen from under the chair and I wrote a song I wrote the lyrics:"I said oh my what a marveolus tune.." and then ross woke up so I got up from the floor and put the book back and I sat back down before he turns around.I smiled and then Laura woke up and I smiled wider and ran up into my room to go and try on the dress.I came out the room and saw laura getting mad at something and Laura saw me and said "YOU BETRAYED ME!!" she said and ran after me and I ran into my room and I closed the door shut and locked it and I just bawled my eyes out and slid on the wall and dug my face into mmy hands and sat there crying My bestie forever is....gone... The next day I woke up and put on a white tank and a periwinkle blue cardigan and tight yoga pants and my converse and I hid my dress so no one takes it and I put my hair up and put on my glasses and I grabbed my backpack and sat and ate breakfast and worked on my song. "Ooo we can get married andhave 10 kids and  teach them how to drrreeeaaaammm" I sang and smiled. I closed the notebook and put it in my backpack and left. At school I saw Laura with Ross and whn she saw me she came up to me hard to walk in the heels shes wearing and I looked at her with a face that said 'Really?' and she slapped me and I held my cheeck sighed and walked away to my locker and then I got pulled but ross and he swung me and he pushed me agianst a locker "Dont you dare walk away from me and my Laura." he said I wasnt paying attention because of the lock digging into my bag causing alot of pain and I closed my eyes and he punched my eye giving my eye a black eye. let me go causing me to fall to the ground and I saw laura laughing and strutting away in her 10 inch heels. I got up and went to English call science math then Lunch.Lunch is where it gets BAD I walked in and I went to the lunch line and whos infront of me? Ross. he grabbed the lunch and I just got the special small lunch wich was just an apple and a smoothie from smooth smoothies. "2 dollars please."The lunch lady said" "O dammit my money is at home." ross said "Here is 2 dollars." I said and gave him 2 bucks from my wallet. He looked into my eyes well eye because the other ones swollen "You sure?" Ross said loking at the black eye and I saw guilt in his eyes and I smiled "Yea have it" I said and nodded "Okay thanks"He said an took it and gave it to the lunch lady and left Its was me now "Hey Ariana. I know he likes you." The lunch Lady said her names Mary Anne shes only 20 though and shes considered my best friend I smiled "eah right." I said and gve her my money and she smiled "Meet me later today." She said nd I nodded and went o go sit down alone and I ate and drank my smoothie and I got up and went to the bath room to throw up and went back to get my stuff and went to class but I felt like someone was watching me... END OF POV

Ross' POV:After I found out I left my oney at home Ariana offered me to take her 2 dollars I wanted to make sure she wanted me to and I looked in her eyes and looked at her black eye  gave her and felt guilty but shook it off and took the money when she said yes and went to sit down watching Arianas every move. When she left to go to class I got up and threw away my food and picked my stuff up and went to my next class that Ariana was in and I sat next to her. I saw her tense up but I just ignored it and Laura came in and sat next to me so I pushed Ariana "What!?" Ariana said "Your annoying me! cause of how LOUD your glasses are!" I said and saw Ariana touch the polka dot frame of her glasses "And your so ugly that you dont belong in a nice apartment you belong in a dirty alley cause geuss what? your worthless and I know why your parents left you. They told me that you were a mistake and thought you where and ugly baby." Laura spat in her face Ariana looked down and looked at us with tears in her eyes "say anything about me but dont bring my parents into it." Ariana said in a shaky voice and got up and got something out of her backpack that looked silver and took it in her hand and went to the bathroom cring and the weird girl "Taylor" ran after her. END OF POV


Ariana:What? (the blade on her wrist)


Ariana:No one ever talks about my parents like that.Im hurt dont you see that!?

Taylor:I can help you through it come on please!

Ariana:(cuts her  self)

Taylor:(takes the other blade)Then im doing it to. (cuts herself)


Taylor:Dude...This hurts!!!

Ariana:Better than nothingl.

Taylor:comeone lets go.



Ariana:(takes the blades wih her and leaves)


Ariana:(goes home and calls Mary Anne)Hey Mary.

Mary Anne:Hey Bye loser. (hangs up)


Some one goes into Arianas house

Ariana:(hides in her panic room thats hidden)

???:Shes in there.

Ariana:(comes out on gets pushed on the bed)

Ross:Tape her mouth!

Laura:(Does it)


Ariana:Wha- Where am I

Ross:My house.


Ross:(slaps her)


Ross:(kicks her)

Ariana:Please s-stop please..

Ross:(feels bad)Im so sooo sorry (sits next to her)

Ariana:No! get away from me. (shakes a little)

Ross:(hugs her and lays her on the bed and cuddle with her)


Ross:Shhh its okay my little baby... Shhhh

Ariana:(falls asleep)

Ross:(falls asleep)


Ariana:(wakes up)

Ross:(wakes up)



Laura:(walks in)

Ross:HHHeeeyyy Laurie!


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