Untitled Part 1

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 Mirage was at the ledge the wind blew and tickled her underscles and for a mohernt Mirage hesitated and peered to make sure the safety net was still below her and for a moment Mirage couldn't see it but the criss cross roping was still wound together tightly right below. Mirage panned out her golden wings the sun dawning on them scattering tangles and beams of sunlight and Mirage could feel a scorpion skitter across her claws Mirage straightened up almost regally before stepping backward avoiding wings talons or tails before bounding straight for the ledge her wings catching the air before buckling and plummeting right for the net. The watching Goldens gasped in shock Mirage could hear muttering but it was soon drowned out and Mirage hit the net like rock thrown into the ocean. And that's when her life hit rock bottom too.

Mirage bowed her head at the talons of her teacher his sharpened black eyes gazed at her with intensity that could scare any Dragon but soon Mirage seen his talons arise and step away from her with a brush against the ground. And when Mirage looked up she seen him discussing with an Ocean it was strange to see Pyramid's golden scales around the bubble blue dragon whose name was Seaweed, he eventually walked back to his seat Mirage watching the pad of his talons as they thumped against the ground he was a limber dragonet and he was very handsome his scales were a deep light blue and speckles of green splattered across his stomach, his wings were a deeper shade of blue not light like the sky blue of his body and legs but still enchanting nonetheless. He eventually noticed her curious glance and returned it with a much more hostile glance from his eye. Mirage's scales prickled, He only has one eye? Mirage studied his face Seaweed was born with only one eye makes sense why he was put into here and then their gaze was broken by the sharp tongue of Pyramid who told Mirage to sit in her seat.

Suddenly, when Mirage sat down she seen a pair of Crimsons fly in through the wide doorway Mirage sunk a little inside wishing she could experience glorious flight like that. They landed alongside one another

looking at the teacher with peculiar glances before both speaking at the exact same time "i'm missing horns" then, they both glanced at one another in disgust almost looking as if they would slice the others throat with their claws, but yet they silently turned away from one another without any approval from Pyramid and sat down in the back of the classroom silently turned away from one another. When they spar someone's going to die Mirage thought looking between the two Crimson's with an eerie fascination she never seen them up close, she seen Crimsons come and go in the raging war outside the walls of this classroom, but in here as Pyramid says we're united. Suddenly, Pyramid clasped his talons together with a booming clap, the class of Dragonets turning toward him. "Okay" hissed the Golden his scales bathed in sunlight which seemed to soothe him as Mirage has noticed many times, when she got in trouble it's always come to the sun room. "Every Dragon in here does know of the Ajax premonition" Pyramid boomed again the Dragonets were silent but nodded all except SeaWeed who seem to be busy flicking a piece of Dragonite between his claws, Pyramid ignored him and proceeded on padding back and forth then, sitting down spreading the light that reflected off his golden scales onto the Dragonets before him.

He unrolled a scroll that sat near the edge of his desk it was crisp and clean it looked untouched Pyramid did that purposely so the students couldn't get to it. He opened it carefully the thick parchment unsheathing like a Dragonite sword and he read the words clear and carefully.

The Ajax Premonition

There's a Dragon that will fall into darkness it'll seize him

Like a screen of slate

Another will grow into scales of hardened ice it shall happen

Just wait

Another's soul will be snatched away her child born to take evil away

For she has magic in her beautiful claws

They will come and bring the war to a pause

Mirage looked over at SeaWeed the bright blue Oceane's attention was now peaked he's never hear of the Ajax premonition? Wow it was a shocking to see someone who's never heard it. But she immediately looked back over at Pyramid before he started talking and she got in trouble. He tucked the scroll away again before yelling out "sparring" Mirage stood up slowly, sparring was always so in-exciting she wished for the dangerous fighting that arial sparring came with but she couldn't fly her wings were useless stones on her back they didn't work and only weighed her down she could pan them out dazzle Dragons with the beauty of them but she couldn't flap them, her wing tendons that let her powerfully flap were severed devastatingly permanent damage. 

Pyramid flapped out the room if the Golden was any larger of a dragon he wouldn't have fit through the doorway he was an amazing flier though he didn't have the much larger and more sturdy and hardened wings a Crimson possessed but he was definitely qualified to be one of the best Golden fliers in the whole Oasis, Queen cactus and King Viper would be very proud. He touched down with his back talons continuing to the outside of the school. The two Crimsons following, then, Seaweed who flew the entire way and Mirage who trailed behind purposely walking the long way forlornly. Eventually everyone made it outside Mirage coming out last. Pyramid paired together the two Crimsons their names were Torch, and Stone. But they looked over at her with grimaces as she walked to meet Seaweed's side, he didn't bother to give her a glance rather watched the Crimson's lift off before sparring rather forcefully. Suddenly SeaWeed turned toward Mirage giving her a glance as she watched Torch and Stone fight "I heard you couldn't fly I know it's strange to see other dragon's do that" Mirage listened to his smooth voice it was the first time he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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