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( Finley's POV)

I was sitting on my couch, watching Titanic when my phone started to ring. "Hello?" "Hi Finley, it's Tyler, I just wanted to call and tell you that you have been accepted into the position of Seamstress/ Costume Coordinator for the Why Don't We Europe Tour." "Oh my gosh! Thank you!!!" I reply very shocked and excited. "We need you to come in today in about 2 hours so you can meet the boys and the rest of our staff." "Okay! See you soon. Bye!" I turn off my phone and just jump around crazy and throwing things and just being a straight up spaz. After I calm down and clean up, the anxiety attack sets in. "Oh my gosh, what if I mess up or I get fired or one of their pants fall down because I bought the wrong size or forgot their belt!!!!" I think. "Finley Willow Little, breath. You are a big girl. Everything will be okay and you will be a amazing seamstress." I eventually calm down again and walk up to my room to pick out a outfit for my first day of work. I end up choosing a tan loose jumpsuit with gray stripes. I pair that with some Toms. I did my hair in a messy ponytail and did no makeup. I looked at my watch and saw I had 1 hour until I had to be at their house I believe is where I am going. I pack up all my things so that I have everything and then I go back to enjoying my movie. After a total tear fest, I grab all my things and head out to my car. I have about 20 minutes to get the house and my GPS says 12 minutes so I am making good time. I hop into my car and back out. I get on the freeway and a red Prius completely cuts me off and makes me slam on my brakes. "WTF!" I yell and honk you horn. They just speed away and I continue your drive. I pull up to a gate and I immediately get a text from Tyler with the code, 2847. I get out of the car and put the code in then pull through the gate. I park next to a red Jeep and then get out. I run the trunk of my car and grab my bag then walk up to the door. I knock and about 10 seconds later the door opens and I see a guy with very very very curly hair. "Oh hi." He says and loves so I can walk in. "I'm Jack. I am in the band." He says as I walk through and put down my stuff. "Hello, I am Finley. I am your new Seamstress/ Costume Coordinator." I say shaking his hand. He then a motions for me to follow him and he leads me into what I assume is the kitchen. It looks like a kitchen. Sitting at the counter are four other boys and at a table near them are Tyler and another guy. "Everyone, this is Finley, our new Seamstress/ Costume Coordinator." (idk why I keep capitalizing this but who cares.) Everyone looks up and I give a little wave. Tyler stands up and shakes my hand. "Nice to see you." I smile back at him. "Hello, I am Eben. I open for them and make music myself." "Cool!" I reply. The four boys sitting at the counter get up and come one by one introduce themselves. "Hi I am Jonah." "I am Corbyn." "I am Zach." You shake each of their hands and then a boy with blue eyes comes up to me and shakes my hand. "I am Daniel." He is blushing a little and introduces himself kinda quiet. "I am Finley." I say. Not blushing at all or anything. I don't fall for people easily. I have been broken to much and I don't want to happen again. I walk out of the kitchen to go get my stuff and catch the boys pushing Daniel a little and making him life. I guess he was okay.

( Alyssa's POV)

I was walking through the park. It was beautiful day and nothing like a nice walk to keep me happy. As I was about the street, my phone rang. "This is Alyssa speaking." "Hi Alyssa, it is Tyler. I just called to let you know that you have been accepted to be Why Don't We's Schedule Coordinator for the Europe Tour. We are very happy to make you part of our team. I want you at this address in about 2 hours. Have a nice day! Bye." He hung up and I was speechless. I got a job. I will have money. A shopping spree every weekend. I began to walk back to my apartment. As soon as I got home, I got into the shower. I washed my hair and body then got out and put some straightening guard in it. I walk into my room and look for a outfit to wear. I eventually choose some high wasted, loose, ripped jeans with a white crop top. I wear some back Vans and I straightened my hair. I then put in some makeup and walk into my living room. I look at the clock and see I have 90 minutes until I have to leave so I sit down a turn on F.R.I.E.N.D.S. After awhile, I look over at my phone and see 2:49. I had to be to the house at 3:00. The house was like 20 minutes away. I didn't even turn off my TV and just grabbed my stuff and ran out to my red Prius. I started the car and sped out of my driveway. As I pulled onto the freeway, I cut of another car but I didn't mind. They just honked a lot and stuff but I don't care so.  I got off the freeway and drove up a long road up a hill. I pulled up to a gate and got a text from Tyler with the code 2847. I put the code in the drove and parked next to a familiar looking car. I got out and grabbed my bag, then walked up to the door. I knock and the door opens and I see a guy who reminds me of Jack Frost. " Hi, I am Corbyn, Corbyn Besson." "Hi, I am Alyssa, Alyssa Rose. The new Schedule Coordinator ." "Nice to meet you, ummm, want to come in?" I nod and walk into the house. I slip off my shoes and walk into the living room. It is very open and is actually color coordinated. "Everyone is this way." He says and I follow him into the kitchen. I see a group of six people talking to a girl. Corbyn clears his throat and they all turn. "This is Alyssa, our new Schedule Coordinator. "Hi." They all day and move to talk to me. I see Tyler and he nods at me. "Hello, I am Eben. I will be opening for the boys on tour." "Sup, I am Jack, I am in the band." "Hello, I am Jonah." "Hi I am Daniel." "I am Zach, just to let you know, I hate schedules and I am late very often." I laugh and began to move to the other girl. "Oh hi, I am Finley, the boys new Seamstress." "You know who I am. Are you excited for tour?" "Yes! Is that your Prius?" She asks and I nod. "You cut me off on the highway. And I don't appreciate that." I just look at her. " Nothing happened and you look fine so you don't have to say that." You both look at each other then walk away. Well, looks like I have a new friend.

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