Stockholm, Sweden

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It had been a day and everyone was in Sweden. They had a day to walk around and hangout. Corbyn was in his hotel room, working on something special. "Your so down to earth and I'm up in the stars. So take me to the sea and I'll take you to Mars." He was mumbling while strumming on his guitar. Knock knock he heard. He shoved his journal under his pillow and put his guitar away. He didn't want anyone to know what he was doing, especially Alyssa. "Coming!" He shouted and jogged the door. Through the peep hole, he saw Daniel. "Bro, you don't need to knock, it's your room also." Corbyn said as he opened the door. "Well, I forgot my key so I needed to knock, I wasn't going to knock down the door." Daniel said and slumped onto his bed and sighed. "Hey, what's wrong man?" Corbyn asked sitting down on the end of his bed. "You know Finley our new Seamstress? Well, she is so beautiful and nice and just seems like a great person. We even had a moment in the van but she just went back to be quiet. I don't know if I did something or she doesn't even like me." Daniel ranted whole Corbyn listened. "Well, give her some time. She may have just been through a rough relationship or something like that. Just be gentle with her and she will slowly warm up to you." Daniel looked over at him and smiled. "Thanks man." He said and they did their secret handshake. "Hey, what where you singing? It was really good." Daniel asked. Corbyn started blushing and waved it off. Meanwhile, Kaya and Jonah where out walking around enjoying the sites. Jonah was trying to see Kayas emotions but to him, she had none. She had the best poker face ever. She had told everyone she was going to walk around and quit quickly Jonah had volunteered to go with her. "So... how are you doing?" He asked trying to get a conversation going. They say down on a bench and she just turned to him and kinda smiled. "I am just fine Marais." She said and smiled a little more. He smiled backed and they looked deep into each other's eyes. "Well I think imma head back to the hotel." Kaya said breaking the silence. She stood up and stared to walk away. "KAYA! Wanna go to dinner sometime?" He shouted after her. "IN YOUR DREAMS MARAIS!" She shouted back and jogged away. A few seconds, he got a text. Kaya: that meant yes... He smiled and stood up to head to a shop. It was a good day...
Sorry for the short chapter. People who didn't get mentioned in this one, the next chapter is yours. Anyway, the concert is on Thursday and I will try to get some picks and share them. Have a great day!

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