Chapter 6 : Lydia, Jackson & Group Dates; Oh My

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"I can't believe you made me drive you to the hospital." I state parking the blue jeep.

"Yeah well basically, my mother loves you therefore maybe she'll give me the car." I sigh, rolling my eyes before stepping out of the jeep, locking it and running after him. Scott and I walk side by side into the bustling hospital, before walking up to the reception desk where Mellissa is currently working.

"Is my beautiful, talented, wonderful son and may-as-well-be daughter actually bringing me dinner?"

"Thought you wouldn't mind skipping the cafeteria tonight." I say with a smile, leaning on the counter.

"You are the most thoughtful, Ioving, most conniving Iittle con artists ever. You are so not getting the car tomorrow night."

"Mom." Scott replies with disbelief lingering in his words. I laugh.

"What? There's a curfew, no car." I look at Scott amused.

"But I will take this." Mellisa snatches the food with a smile before walking away, "Love you."

"Love you, too." Scott sighs. I go to walk out but Scott stops.

"What?" I question looking in his direction.

"Hang on a second." He replies walking towards a random room. I look around worried, why does he think this is a good idea?

"Oh my god." I whisper groaning as I watch him go to open the door.  I catch up to him as he slips inside, dragging me with him. Inside is quiet, a curtain dividing us from who ever was there. Scott pulls it back to reveal the guy from the bus wreckage. He's hooked up to so many tubes and measuring devices.

"Mr. Meyers." Scott whispers causing him to wake up and look at the two of us. "Are you okay?" All of a sudden Mr Meyers starts to freak out, trashing and screaming. He grabs Scotts sleeve as I try to pull Scott away.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Mellisa yells entered the room, "Get out! Now, go! Go, go!" Scott backs away as I take one last look at Mellissa before following Scott.

Scott and myself pull up into my driveway in silence. I open the door before getting out of the car, Scott does the same. I unlock the door and walk into the house.

"Hey, did you get the car?" Stiles asks running up to us. I shut and lock the door behind me.

"No." I reply not looking my brothers way. I walk past him and down the hall.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear Stiles ask. He is met with running foot steps. I look behind me and see Scott running after me as I turn into my room.

"Ember, I'm ok, you're ok, Mr. Meyers is ok." Scott states inches away from me.

"Ok what have I missed out on?"

"I'm not ok Scott, he just freaked out, out of no where!"

"But we're fine."

"Ok can someone fill me in?"

"It just scared me, I'm sorry." I whisper, my eyes becoming glassy. Scott looks at me before bringing me into a tight hug. I let the tears fall onto Scott's shirt as I feel him hug me tighter. "I'm sorry." I whisper looking down.

"It's fine Em."

"Ok does someone want to fill me in?" Stiles asks impatiently tapping his foot. Both Scott and myself turn to my brother as I wipe my face.

"Anyone want pizza?" Scott asks pausing the movie.

"Yes!" I whine stretching out across the couch, this includes across Stiles. Scott was safe since he was in the arm chair.

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