☄Smooth As Ever☄

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"And then we kill him"

"Excuse me?"

Oh fuckshit. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Bitchshitfuck.
Caught, I slowly turn around, feigning a smile of charm and innocence, mentally cursing at my unnecessary need to act like the stereotypical villain at every possible moment.
I was met with a pleasing sight: a tall, dark-skinned guy with guarded blue eyes, and teeth more white than they should be.
Hm. The literal meaning of "tall, dark and handsome"...
Probably some self-entitled T.V show presenter who charmed his way into fame.

He raised one of his seemingly perfectly groomed eyebrows (??) in concern.
"Miss? Are you alright?", his voice was as smooth and suave as can be.
Oh right, he just caught in my 'villian' mode.
"Hmm? Oh, me? Yeah I'm alright thanks".

Definitely not one of my finer moments, but it seemed it didn't matter, as his attention suddenly latched onto his phone.
Wow, rude much?
Still, thankful for whatever distracted him, I turned back to check up on my target, hoping he would take the hint and leavem

"Nice one Ez, smooth as ever", Sara teased, dragging her voice out.

Choosing to ignore her, my eyes once again roamed the crowds of mostly old, posh folk.

"He's cute, isn't he?", she observed, giggling softly.
I smiled lightly at this, and walked away slightly from the strange guy.
"I guess so, but he seems a little dodgy. You can tell he's an actor or a T.V. personality, which literally lie for a living. You can't trust them".

"Maybe he was just a little put off by seeing a girl chugging her glass of red wine while quietly muttering to herself about her oh-so-secret plans of murder", she fired back, to which I rolled my eyes at again.
Yeah, it probably looked cooler in my head than in real life.
Anyways. Back to what I was doing...



"What? Did you mess up again?"

"Sara", again, I said, this time more sternly.
"He's gone. The guy we're after is gone".

After a hum of acknowledgement, a moment of silence passed, and I waited, going back to the bar to pour myself another drink and people-watch.

"Sara?", I whispered harshly minutes later, impatient.

"I found him. I tracked him down at a house. It seems pretty normal, but still. I think it's worth checking out".
I considered it, setting the half-empty glass down delicately.

"You down, Ez?".

Eh, fuck it.

I sighed, knowing this probably wouldn't be worth it.

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