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I'm legit freaked out after reading that...

I think fallout has lost all sanity and compassion...

Then again so have I, thanks to Herobrine's cookies XD (come to the dark side, we have cookies)

Anyways, thanks for the pen.

(Disco, this pen stealing thing is really old XD)


Third Person POV

The man walked down a long hallway in the castle, carrying a squirming little girl in his arms.

As he walked, he mumbled words, not even he could understand.

The girl's struggles were weak and tiresome, but that didn't stop her.

She fought the man's grasp for as long as she could, before his constant mumbling made it impossible for her to continue to fight.

She slumped into the mans arms, shivering from his cold aurora, and fighting back exhaustion.

The man smirked down at the little girl and pulled her close to his chest.

She raised her arm to push him away, but let it fall lazily on her chest, deciding against waisting more energy.

"What's wrong little light?"

"C-C-Cold... D-Dark... Bad." She shuddered.

The man scoffed. "What's so bad about darkness?"

The little girl glares at the man before she struggled again to separate herself from his strong arms.

The man, getting a little agitated, gripped her tighter.

She yelped in pain and brought her fist up to the man's chin.

The man growled and dropped the girl out of surprise.

The girl, stopping only to stick her tongue out at the man, ran down the hallway.

The man cursed out of annoyance and disappeared in a poof of smoke.

Seto's POV

I stared up at the looming tower before me and Ryan.

Swallowing hard, I look over to him.

He looked at me, fear and worry clear on his face.

"It's now or never." He said with a slight shrug.

I nodded and walked through the massive door.

It opened with a loud creak that echoed through the long hallways.

The castle's hallways are lit with red stone torches, setting an eerie glow down them.

"I feel like I'm in a ghost story." Ryan whispered.

I nodded slowly and looked around the room.

The ceiling hung 15 blocks above us, a red stone lighted chandelier casting a low light through the entrance.

The main room branches off to three different hallways, all leading to a different part of the massive castle.

"This was well thought out..." I gaped, trailing off.

"Seto!" A high pitched voice called from one of the hallways.

I squinted through the darkness and spotted a small figure running towards us.

"Quirren!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"Umm Seto..." Ryan said, pointing behind me.

The door slammed shut as I turned around.

"What a touching reunion! Too bad it has to end."


There ya go!

Here's the pen Fallout.

I wrote this during school, so it might not be the best.

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