
295 13 14

Well... 60 chapters... Dang...

This has been fun fallout!

Maybe when this is over, we can do another collab story together :3

Now Connor's fate is in my hands... My cookie crumb covered hands...


Mitch's POV

I looked around frantically for my little brother, then to my disappointment, I realized he wasn't anywhere to be found.

The slow ones still crowded around something.

My eyes widened and I jumped off the tree branch, leaving Quirren alone.

"No! Connor no! please not him! leave my brother alone!" I screamed, tears stinging at my eyes.

A hand suddenly grasped my hood and yanked me up, choking me.

I jumped on to another branch as Ryan held a finger over his mouth, then signaled me to move forward.

I shook my head furiously. "Not when my brother is trapped in a hoard of slow ones." I growled.

Ryan grabbed my arm and shook his head. "We can't save him Mitch. Theres too many. We just have to hope he gets out before we make it to the village."

"No! I will not leave him!"

"For notch sake Mitch we can't wait here for him! we're sitting ducks out here!"

I sighed angrily, knowing he was right.

"I'm not going inside that castle until I know he's safe."

"I understand that. Now c'mon! we need to go now!" Ryan said, pushing me forward.

I jumped to the next tree branch and grabbed a sobbing Quirren off it.

"W-What about Connor?" she whimpers.

I cringed slightly and shook my head.

"We need to keep moving."

I jumped from tree to tree with Quirren, pushing the tears back as best I could.

I failed him.

My own brother.

I couldn't protect him.

Just like Quirren.

Notch why can't I protect them?

I failed them both.

I cost my brother his life and Quirren her happiness.

Why am I such a failure?

A moan pulled me from my thoughts and I realized we had reached the edge of the forest.

"Biggums you okay?" Jerome asked.

Ryan came out from behind me, shaking his head. "Give him a minute." he muttered.

I glared at him and set Quirren down, allowing her to run to her father's arms.

At least Devin still has his daughter...

And my parents will have one less son.

I shook my head and looked at the town ahead, the tower looming over it threateningly.

"Well, now's better than never to sneak in. You guys ready?" Ian asked.




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