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Undertaker had acted weird since the party last night. It was like he kind of tried to avoid me but at the same time he still wanted to be around me, I couldn't help but think about the weird red haired guy, if it could something about him? I felt like going crazy right now so I decided to go out. I knoked on the frame of the door into the shop, since the door itself was a curtain. Undertaker looked up from a glass with something weird in it.

"I'm going out is there something you want?" I asked with a smile.

"No thanks, have fun Cale" Undertaker replayde and waved to me with a smile. I noded and let the curtain fall. I took the backdoor in the kitchen, it was a habbit for me now it was just the door I always used when I went to town or back from it. The market hall was full of people and a lot of small tents with shops. I walked over to a greengrocer, he had a lot of fruits and vegetables.

"Excuse me sir" I asked the man behind the table of green things. he looked at me with a kind smile.

"Yes miss?"

"I was just wondering how you could get some of these things some of it is out of season" I asked

"Some of it is imported from the souht, we get it from our supplier. it arrived this morning, so it is a fresh as you can get it" he answered and showed me some of it. I excamen some of it before I bought anything from him. He wasn't a liar it was fresh and in a perfect state. I paied for my thing and continued walking around. There was so many intresting things here and so many people. I felt someone dot my shoulder "Excuse me miss". I turned half around and saw a man dressed in a darkblue uniform with golden buttons. I froze as I recognized it and the man infront of me. How can it be, they went home! How can he still be Here? HOW?!

"I am looking for one of my men, we got sepperated by accident"

"Sorry I haven't seen anyone like you" I answered making my voice a bit higher than usual and walked away. He tried to follow me for a few seconds but I lost him quick. I leand my back agaist the wall and breath felt my breath being normal again. Seemed like he didn't recognize me... Why is he still here they left months ago... right??? I felt like getting squeezed in here I had to get out now. I followed thw walls of the shops since that seemed to be the place where there was less people. I took a deep breath of the freesh air and walked as fast as I could away from the market hall. I looket at the roofs and saw the red haired guy from yesterday with another one dresses as a lawyer with black hair. They jumped inside a window on the second floor, but they came out quickly again. The red haired one looked at me, and dotted his friends shoulder pointing at me. It looked like they were having a discussion, they looked at me again. I tilt my head a bit still looking at the with a curios look. It seemed like they were a bit surprised that I could see them. I smiled short before continueing walking, but there didn't go long before they both followed me. 

"Excuse me miss, but can I ask for your name and how it can be you saw us?" the other one asked. 


"What where you doing with my sweet lover yesterday!" the red haired asked in a complaining tone.

"Undertaker? you do know he is single, he doesn'r have any lovers" I said and looked confused at him.

"Grell shut up will you" the other one said and dumbed a funny looking spear on his head.

"I haven't seen you before are you a newcomer?" he asked and corected his glasses. I didn't understand him, yes I was new and yes I could see them just as clear as any other human being. What was with these people.

"The girl clearly doesn't understand, it is impossible she's a newcomer or even a reaper" grell said in a arogant tone. My eyes widned by his last words. A reaper like in a death god!? Where they just completely crazy or.... did they really excist.

"Then try explain her aura that is deffently a grim reapers aura and a strong one". I looked at them like the were crazy, which they were. I slovely backed away and let the two of them discuss without me. and hurried back to Undertaker.

"Hey I'm back" I said as I removed the curtain and looked into the shop.

"Hello Cale" Both Undertaker And Ciel and Sebastian said at once all smiled to me. I giggled a bit and left the room walking back to the kitchen. I washed the fruit and placed it in a small basket that I placed on the kitchen table. The I took things out preparing to bake some cakes. I almost dropped the sugar as Undertaker hugged me from behind.

"Are you okay Cale?" he asked slovely cradleing us from side to side. "Yeah I'm fine you just scared me a bit" I answered with a smile. It was weird this morning he couldn't decid whether to be near me or away from me and now he was cradleing me when I was baking. "You'r sure?" he asked again and stopped the cradle thing. "Yeah" I replayed looking short at him with a smile. "I don't think you'r telling me what's wrong" He said and stopped me before I mixed all the thinks together, turning me around so we stood face to face. "It's nothing really" I said and looked out of the window and then back at him. It wasn't because he could ask me more before the two weird men I had met in town showed up. Grell was kind of dumping in and before I knew it he was hugging Undertaker like crazy. the other one walked in normaly, correct his glasses.

"I told you she would be here" he said. I supossed it was to Grell.

"Well hello, why didn't you just used the door over there?" Undertaker asked pointing at the kitchen door, while ignoring Grells hugging thing.

"Because this thing wanted to see you too but didn't expect you to be gone from the shop" the blackhaired answered.

"Undertaker who are they?" I asked ignoring the little anger I could feel when I looked at Undertaker and his knew friend.

"We told you allready"

"No you told me some nonsens about grim reapers, Not your names" I answered looking at bit annoyed. Undertaker suddenly changed a bit in attitude, he stood up tall and removed Grell from him. Something wasn't right here.

"William what did you tell Cale?" He asked. His voice suddenly sounded completely different more deep than usual.

"I asked her way she could see us, and if she might had been a newcomer." William answered

"Please it is impossible she can be it, she didn't even knew who we were" grell said in am arogant way bursting of the dust form his clothes. I didn't follow their conversation at all, was grim reapers for real and how did Undertaker know about them?

"It doesn't matter if she might have been one once, now she is just Cale, my Cale" Undertaker said

"If she has been one before it doesn't change that she still is one, and she has duties to do" William said looking at me. "We have to take her to the elders they can answere".

"Yay we're going back" Grell said happy and clinged to Undertakers arm. But he removed him again. 

"Sorry but Cale isn't going, whoever she could have been in the past isn't a person she is anymore. She stays that is the end of this discussion" Undertaker said and walked over to me holding me close to him, like he as afried they would remove me by force. William didn't seem so happy but he accepted it and dragged Grell with him out. I looked up at Undertaker, I never seen him looking so serious or be it, it was like his eyes had changed a bit in colour, there was something more glowing red in them. When he looked at me it changed and he was back to the man I knew. He gave me one of his gentle smiles and slovly stroke my cheek. I felt like there was somethng he wanted to do but hold back as he let go of me.

"Cale remeber you can talk to me if there is something of the matter" He said before leaving the room. I lean myself into the kitchen table tryig to hold myself up. What was this why did I felt like this? why did my heart beat like insane? and my breath was heavy and slove, like someone had beaten all the air out of them. It couldn't be that...  was falling in love with him?

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