So do you remember the hanahaki disease? Well, instead of coughing up petals the person slowly looses their senses. They are eventually loosing the sense to keep their body alive and so it stops functioning. Other symptoms include eyes changing to their crushes color and tears tinted with their crushes favorite color.
1. Colored tears occur at 1-2 weeks
2. Eyes start to change at 2-3 weeks
3. Sense of smell disappears at 3-4 weeks
4. Blind spots in vision occur at 3.5-4.5 weeks
5. Dizziness and nausea occur at 3.5-6 weeks
7. Sense of taste disappears at 5-6 weeks
8. Muscle spasms at 6 weeks
9. Numbness begins
10. Eyesight disappears in one eye at 7 weeks
11. All sense of touch disappears at 8 weeks
12. Sense of hearing disappears at 9 weeks
13. Has trouble breathing
14. Goes completely blind at 11 weeks
15. Last eye goes blind 1 day before death
16. Body fully shuts down 12 weeksThere are only 2 cures
1. A medicine that causes amnesia and a year long coma. This is the safest, but most expensive cure.
2. Th person loves you back. Most dangerous, and is only 13% successful.