ㅅThe Hidden Truthㅅ

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"Tell me what you know about the missing people." "Ugh, don't get me started on Eric. I liked him at first, but he really just got on your nerves. Wouldn't shut up and constantly annoyed you. It was like having a 4 year old. And I'll tell you what tipped me over the fucking edge. I was minding my own business and suddenly I'm being crushed underneath a pile of desks! And he really had the nerve to say 'I told you not to move.' Please, I was only in the situation because of him!"

I calmed Hwanwoong down so we could move on with everything. "Anyway, Kevin. He was like Eric, but smarter and less childlike. More like a preteen. It suited him really, but then he matured. That suited him too. He was still rowdy now and then, especially around Keonhee. Lord, those two together you were sure to have a wild night. Or a really chill night. There was never an in between. I found Kevin a bit possessive over Keonhee though. Keonhee, uh, he loves Kevin, clearly obvious, and what else...He's not as gullible as people think. In fact, he's really the brains of our group right next to...him."

"I've had enough. Who's he? Who's him? Tell me." He sighed then ruffled his hair. "Forgive me for breaking the promise..." "Wait, promise?" He nodded. "We all made a promise not to bring up the past, especially about him. But now I'm breaking it because of you." I felt bad, but it's not like anyone would know he told me. I could simply claim I asked around their school. "Lee Seoho, the secretary of our club. Also the mom of the club. If you had a problem, go to Seoho. Had a bad day? Seoho. We went to him and Youngjo for most things, Sangyeon and Younghoon for the rest. Seoho never asked for much in return from us, so we all felt guilty for taking advantage of him."

Seoho sounded like a great guy. Why were they keeping him a secret? "So, we threw him a party one day and bought him stuff to show our appreciation. Everything was great. Then our heads of the club went to college and our friends a year ahead of us did too. Thats when things started to get a bit off balance. I don't exactly know the details, but something happened to them in sophomore year, Kevin and Eric too. Keonhee subtly mentioned Kevin wasn't doing too hot and Keon and I could see Eric wasn't either. Then we see on the news Seoho..." I felt bad for opening up memories he wanted to forget, but things wouldn't be solved otherwise.

"Seoho was arrested for possession of illegal drugs..." I handed Hwanwoong a tissue as a few tears rolled down his face. "What? But Seoho sounded like a literal angel." "Don't judge a book by its cover, Chang. And naturally, Seoho was expelled." Now that I had the story, I could try to piece things together. I yelled for everyone to come back in. They sat down then waited for me to speak. "Just relax for now. I'm still thinking." I had most of my ducks in a row, but a few things weren't adding up. Everyone I had asked mostly mentioned Eric, Youngjo, Kevin and Younghoon acting suspicious at some point in time. And seeing as how they were kidnapped, it's probably related to what their suspiciousness was.

What didn't fit was Keonhee being kidnapped as well. Was it an accident or planned out? What also raised suspicion was the angelic Seoho being arrested for illegal possession of drugs. Could people instantly change just like that? I doubted it, so he might've taken the blame for someone else. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but the illegal drugs could possibly be related to our missing friends. A question popped into my head, but I was reluctant to ask. I didn't want them to suspect Hwanwoong of telling me.

"So, I did some snooping and found out that there was someone else in this group. Lee Seoho it said. Was anyone close to him?" No one answered. Was answering considered breaking the promise as well? "I also found out that he was arrested for possession of illegal drugs..." They looked at each other then Hwanwoong was the first to break, but Jaehyun had beat him to speaking. "Juyeon and the other 3 heads were close to Seoho."

I looked at Juyeon who nodded. "I was pretty shocked to see him on the news being arrested. Seoho wasn't like that. He was always good natured." He sighed then leaned against Geonhak. "I guess you can't judge a book by its cover." I started to think of possible motives for the kidnappings. The number one that made the most sense was revenge, but for what? Was Seoho possibly wronged?

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