Chapter 13: Crafting With Robin Part 2.

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After Karma and Robin talk, Karma finally crafts her bow.

"And finally just wrap the grip area with cloth. Then just say 'Craft Bow.'" Robin explains.

"Craft Bow!" The materials start to glow and float before they all crash into each other. A cloud of smoke comes out of the crash and a wooden bow comes out.

New Skill Learned- Crafting- Use materials that aren't metal to craft items like bows, bandages, toys, etc. Crafting Level 1.


Bow: A long range weapon that is capable of firing arrows long distances. Tier Level: 2/100.

"Hey, Robin? There's this thing called a tier level, what is it?" I ask while grabbing the bow.

"That is the thing that determines how strong the weapon is. It grows higher as you level that skill up. Only a few mortals can craft weapons over 75. No one can craft one over 80." He explains.

"Ah, so if I just level my skill to the max, could I make a weapon that's tier 100?" I question as I start to gather branches for arrows.

"Potentially, but only the God of Creation has been known to be able to do that," Robin says as he pulls a bow out and fires two arrows at two birds passing by. He hits them both and they both fall. Robin runs over and grabs them. He plucks the feathers from the birds and removes the arrows from the carcasses.

"And I'm pretty sure that Engha is only able to do that because he is a God. Here are the feathers and some cloth strips." He says as he passes them to me, I grab them and put the branches, cloth strips, and feathers together. "Craft Arrows!" I shout. There's a cloud of smoke and then about 20 arrows fall out. I grab them and put all of them except for one in my bag. "Observe."

Basic Arrows: A makeshift arrow. Used with any type of bow but compared to normal arrows, this is the worst type of arrow. Tier Level: 2/100.

"Alright, you've learned how to craft a basic bow and arrow. Now, you should use your head to think of weapons, armors, items, and structures to build. Now, let's head back to the others." He says before walking back.

Mikhail had taken off his chest plate and set it on a log that Brea is sleeping on. His warhammer is lying right next to it. Ryo is practicing archery on a nearby tree. "Hey, Karma. Took you guys a while." Mikhail says as he walks up to Robin and I. "Sorry 'bout that. I was teaching Karma how to craft." Robin apologizes while shivering due to the cold winds blowing.

"It's fine. Hey, could you create a campfire? We are probably gonna be here the night. I got some blankets in my inventory." He asks while trying to warm up his hands.

"Could I try making one?" I ask while casting a small flame in my hand. "Sure, just don't set the forest on fire. Also, I got us all some grub." He says while showing off his two birds.

I grab some nearby branches and stones. I form a circle with the stones and stack the sticks on each other. "Craft Campfire!" I say, the small flame in my hand is pulled in by the unlit campfire and lights it. "Wow." I say as I put my hands up to the fire.

Mikhail pulls out 4 blankets out of his inventory and gives one to Ryo, me, Robin, and Brea. Ryo stops his practice and sits down in front of the fire. "Is that all the blankets you have?" I ask. Mikhail nods his head as he sits down in front of Brea. "It's fine. As long as the fire doesn't go out, I'll be good. You all need them more. Brea had been worried about you, so she needs it more. Ryo looks fine but I just wanna be sure. Robin looked very cold, and you just got healed after a near-death experience. I'll be fine." He said as he put on a wide smile.

"Alright then, I'll hit the hay. Good night." I say as I pull the blanket over my head.

Later that night, Mikhail sat in front of the log that Brea was sleeping on.

"Gods, I want to ask of you one thing. What is my purpose? Am I just here to suffer or am I to do something great? Because I don't want to fight if my battles won't help others." Mikhail says as he tosses some sticks into the fire.

Suddenly, the Goddess Fate appears. "Hello Mikhail, you wanted to know your purpose?"  She asks as she takes a seat right beside him.

"Yes, I've been wondering about it for years." Mikhail replies.

"Well, your purpose is actually unknown to me and the other Gods. But we have a baseline for what you are going to do." Fate says as she pulls out two ales. She hands one to Mikhail and they both take a drink.

"I have no true purpose?" Mikhail asks as he takes a bigger drink of his ale.

"Yes, but you end up helping out many souls. In the future, you are one of the greatest heroes of the Salvation Brotherhood. You become one of the few leaders under Karma." She says while chugging the rest of her ale.

"The Salvation Brotherhood? What's that?"

"That is a new organization that Karma had created just this afternoon. And it will end up being leaders of this country. That's all I'm allowed to tell you." She says as she takes Mikhail's empty bottle. "See ya."

"Goodbye, Fate." Mikhail says as he attempts to warm himself up as Fate vanishes.

"I wish that I had a spare blanket." Mikhail says while looking at the stars. Brea wakes up and silently moves to sit beside him.

"Hey, are you okay? You look a bit cold." Brea says as she rubs her eyes.

"Yeah, just cold." He says as he hands Brea a breast from one of the birds. "This is for you, the others wanted me to save it for you."

"Thanks. Hey, you want some of my blanket?" She asks as she takes a bite out of the food. "Sure, if it's no bother to you." Mikhail replies.

Brea opens her blanket up and Mikhail sits right next to her, she closes it. "You good now?" She asks as she yawns.

"Better now, thanks for the blanket." He says as he rubs his eyes. "No problem, now let's get some sleep. We are gonna need it if Robin is gonna train us tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight." Brea lays her head on Mikhail's shoulder. "G'night."

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