day in my life tag

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1. which emoji describes your mood in the morning?

2. what is your first thought in the morning?
shit, what day is it? do i have any tests today?

3. what is the first thing you do after getting up?
i brush my teeth

4. do you eat a solid breakfast. if so, what is your typical breakfast?
don't eat breakfast :/

5. do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
before ig, even though i don't really have breakfast. it's just the first thing i do when i wake up.

6. most days, how long does it take you to get ready?
about a half hour

7. do you go to school/college?

8. if you attend school, what is your favorite subject?
literature, psychology, creative writing

9. If you have a job, what is your salary?
i don't currently work a salaried job.

10. around what time of day would you say you're busiest?
afternoons from about 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

11. do you spend time with your friends often?
not as much as i'd like, unfortunately

12. do you like your place of residence?

13. do you take any classes in the afternoons? if so, what subjects?
my psychology, algebra, and government classes take place after lunch

14. what else do you enjoy doing in your afternoons/evenings?
i try to chill out and watch some netflix or youtube, talk to my parents and help them around the house, play with my cat, and do something creative like drawing or writing each day

15. do you ever take naps? if so, for how long?
on occasion for maybe an hour or two

16. when do you usually get home each day?
anywhere from 5:00-6:00 PM, but sometimes i have to leave from my house again for rehearsals and get back from those around 9:00 PM

17. what time do you eat dinner?
around 7

18. who do you live with?
my parents and my cat. i have a sister but she's in college and doesn't live at home anymore.

19. what do you do before bed?
brush my teeth, do some skincare, check social medias, mindfulness meditation, and read a book or write in my journal

20. what time do you fall asleep on average?
around 11 - 11:30 PM

21. how many pillows are on your bed?

22. what patterns/colors are on your bedsheets?
purple stripes

23. do you overall love your life?

24. rate your life on a scale of 1-10

25. what is one thing you're most proud of in your life?
my resilience and my courage; not letting people stop me from living my life

26. list three goals for the year.

1) create more
2) stay optimistic
3) be confident and push myself to do things outside of my comfort zone

<3~ Caroline

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