Chapter 21

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"Well, I couldn't tell you

Why she felt that way

She felt it every day

And I couldn't help her

I just watched her make

The same mistakes again

What's wrong, what's wrong now?

Too many, too many problems

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

That's where she lies

Broken inside

With no place to go

No place to go

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

Open your eyes

And look outside

Find the reasons why

You've been rejected

And now you can't find

What you've left behind

Be strong, be strong now

Too many, too many problems

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

That's where she lies

Broken inside

With no place to go

No place to go

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

Her feelings she hides

Her dreams she can't find

She's losing her mind

She's falling behind

She can't find her place

She's losing her faith

She's falling from grace

She's all over the place, yeah

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

That's where she lies

Broken inside

With no place to go

No place to go

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

She's lost inside, lost inside

Oh oh

She's lost inside, lost inside

Oh oh, oh" i sang quietly as the tears started to fall once again. Ryder wont quit calling. He's looking for me and Bristol. He's tried everything and out of the 50 times he's called in two weeks I've only picked up 5 and hung up instantly.

I mean why is he so stuck on killing me? Its not like I did anything wrong!

"Hey babe." Tate came up and kissed my temple but stopped when he saw the tears that ran down my face. "Babe please don't cry. Whats wrong?"

"It's nothing i swear. Just stupid actually."

"Come on." he said pulling me up.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." After that we didn't talk i just followed him. We got in his truck and started driving. Soon enough we pulled up on the edge of the forest.

"Couldn't we had just run through there?"

"Nope cuz i want this to be perfect. Now put this on." He said handing me a blindfold.

I gave him my is-this-really-necessary look. He just laughed but nodded his head. Groaning i put on the blindfold and let him lead me through the forest to only God knows were.

About 15 minutes later we stopped and he took off the blindfold to reveal a clearing with a lake an a bunch of little flowers everywhere.

"It's beautiful." i whispered in awe.

"Glad you like it." After that we spent the whole day there swimming and talking, laughing.

Around 10 we headed back to the truck an back to the house. I was about to get out of the truck and all of a sudden i was picked up and carried to my room, except it wasn't my room. From the smell it was Tate's.

"Tate i have to go get a shower."

"Not yet sweetheart."

"What do yo-" Before i could finish my sentence he got down on his knee an looked up at me.

"Majestic, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Tate i-i don't know what to say."

"Say yes. Please."

"Ok. Ill be your girlfriend." He didn't even say anything he just jumped up and picked me up hugging me.


Hey srry its short but hey im trying anywhore ill update soon i hope srry for the wait plz dont 4 get 2





Acylynn out peace!

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