Chapter 7: Missing

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I woke up. I felt a hand wrapped into my waist. I gently removed it and stood up.

I looked at Irene. She is sleeping peacfully. I smiled at the view.

My eyes quickly landed to the door when someone knocked in there. I head towards it and opened it.

"Seulgi-unnie! The news! Jaebeom-oppa went missing!" Yeri said.

My eyes widdened because of the news.

"Oppa is missing?! Where did you get the news?!" I asked.

"From Key-sunbaenim!" She said and pointed at the living room. I quickly rushed to go there.

"Seulgi! Your oppa went missing last night! He is no where to be seen!" Key-oppa said.

"Where is the last place that he has been seen?" I asked.

"At his work. His co-workers said that he went home early. But I waited him there he didn't came home. Instead I saw this box infront of his house." He said and show me a box.

"Your name is written there. So I'm assuming it's for you." He added.

I took the box. I looked what's inside it. The first thing that I saw is a letter... It's written with blood.

It freaked me out. I dropped the box because of it.

"B-Blood?!" Key-oppa said in shock.

I read the letter.

Hey Black Emperor's child... We took your guardian. You might be wondering where is he? Oh don't bother anymore... He's already dead. You see this blood? It's his. Haha! You must be lucky 'cause we never know who you are. He never said who you are. So we thought he would just be a waste of time that's why we just killed him. We won't stop searching for you. You are part of them. And this is war.. Again you demons and us. Anyways... I can't wait to see you... Demon.

Vampires' Dark Prince

Are they crazy?! Seriously?! Vampires?! Black Emperor?! Demons?! War?! Vampire Dark Prince?! Bullshit!  And they called me a Demon?! They are the demons! They killed my Oppa! My only family that is left!

I ripped the paper in pieces because of rage and threw it into the trashcan.

"That's bullshit! They are crazy! Serioiusly Vampires?! Lol! My ass!" I shouted.

Yeri and Key-oppa just looked at me concerned.

"Key-oppa. Let's head to his house. I mean this might be just a bullshit prank." I said.

Key-oppa nodded.

We quickly left the door.


We arrived at Oppa's house.

I rushed to the main door and.. It was opened. I entered the house and scanned the whole area.

"Oppa! Are you here?!" I shouted.

I guess I'll start searching at his room. As I entered his room. I saw something on his bed. It was a letter. I took it and read it.

Seulgi-ah, in case I went missing... I hope you'll be able to read this... In this paper. You'll know entirely who you are. And who killed me. I know this sounds like crazy... The Vampire Prince is around you... but he doesn't know who you are... Which is good. He's gonna take me and going to get some informations from me. He really thinks that if he tortured me I would tell him your identity... Before I say their motives. Seulgi... You are the heiress of the Black Emperor. We are demons. I'm the most trusted person of your father that's why he gave me the mission to take away you from that family. He didn't know that his wife gave you to a abusive family. Anyways.. Let me tell you their motive now... Vampires and Demons are currently in a war. It's been over 1000 years since the war started. Vampires wants that they are supposed to be the only supernatural being in this world. And also... Power. Your father has an treasure that he always keeps. And that's you. You are the most powerful creature. Please Seulgi... Stay away from your friends. He is one of them. No... They are one of them.


I am a demon? No impossible. Oppa must be kidding. Powerful Creature eh?

I just shook my head and laugh it out.

Why are joking Oppa? Why?

"Yah.. Seulgi." Key-oppa entered the room.

I just looked at him.

"I think it's time to explain this to you." He said and sat next to me.

"Do you mean Key-oppa?" I asked confusedly

"We are not normal human beings." He said.

I laughed.

"Don't tell me. You are with them now? Even Oppa. Is he just hiding? Please I don't want this prank anymore." I said.

"No Seulgi! I'm not joking! I wish.. This is just a prank but..." He said seriously and tears fell from his eyes.

"But it's not... They took him... Please Seulgi... Believe me... Please." He begged.

Should I believe him?

I scanned him. His cry.. It's real. And he looks so serious.

"Sure Key-oppa... But I'm just processing it... This are too many to accept." I said to him.

"The next full moon... You would be awaken." He said to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You'll know. Let's go back to your dorm now." He said and stood up.

I'm still adjusting to things... Then realizaton hits me.

Oppa is gone...

I held back my tears and used all of my strength stop it from bursting.

I just followed Key-oppa.


We are now in front of SM building. I told Key-oppa to go first.

I quickly go into a park near here to have some fresh air. I sat into a bench alone.

I'm the only one in the park. So it's free to release what I feel.

I burst into tears.

If Oppa is here. He would comfort me but... Now he's gone.

I'm alone again... Without Oppa... I feel.. Nothing. It feels like I'm worthless.

I cried there alone. 'Til my tears run out.. Tho they run out. The pain into my heart is still can be feel.

It's... unbearable. It fucking hurts so much.

Who took and killed him again? The Vampire Prince? I don't care how crazy it sounds but I'm gonna make the guy pay.

It was also said that I'm the most powerful creature? Sure! I'll let that fucking Vampire son of a bitch taste hell.

I stood up and wiped my tears.

Vampire Prince... You'll regret what you did. And You all Vampires would pay for it!

I head my way back go the SM Building.

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