Chapter five

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" sure. Why not. Hey, you ever played truth or dare?" I asked. He nodded slowly. I smiled. " yay! Let's play. Ok, you first. Truth or dare!" I asked. He thought a while....please be truth for the love of BUBBAJEE.....

" dare" he huskily breathed, edging closer to me, grasping my waist tightly and pulling me up so my lips were close to brushing his. I shivered. Sexual frustration, much?

" fine. I dare you to tell the truth. What's down that trap door?" I asked, lightly pushing away. He lifted the rug and opened it, revealing a small chest. I reached out slowly to touch it. It looked...important...and was Before I could wonder how my ring had ended up tied there, he had slammed the trap door shut. I cringed. Hmm... I looked down at my amethyst ring, with my name encrusted on the inside. It was passed down for generations on my family. Why was it there...

" now your fact, I'll choose for you...dare,.." He whispered, holding my cheek in his palm and gazing intently into my ice blue eyes. I raised my eyebrow at him. 'That all depends on what this dad entails" I asked. He chuckled, lips almost skimming mine.

" just a little kiss. No more than that..." Before I could protest, he lips were pressed firmly against mine. This kiss wasn't like my kiss with jack. My kiss with jack was one of love...this was one of lust....hungry, desperate, and omg is that his tongue? That's right, he's exploring my mouth. No matter how wrong it sounded, that was what was happening. He pinned me up against the wall, grabbing my arse and lifting me up so I sat on his hips. The kiss became a bit too over heated for me,you know, a Virgin and all, so I pulled away, panting. " so much for a little kiss then" I gasped. He let me down, pecked me on the lips and we resumed our former game.

" ok, I'll choose for you then. Truth. What is that letter from some woman to Anne about powers or some shit" I asked and then sat down on the floor. He copied me. " well...she was cursed from birth. My mother actually had an affair with another man, and being unsure in pregnancy, she called upon a sorceress. The sorceress cursed my mother to have a demon child, and here's Anne. Not being too content in what she had done, she cursed every one of us. I was with lust and Mary innocence. Meaning Mary got the better deal, but still I lust after true and beautiful women, and I have only ever come across three. Crimson Polar, Rosie and yourself. However Rosie is the biggest challenge. I had to keep her at bay. Instead I broke crimsons heart and intend to break yours, as the curse has promised. " he explained. Right.....

" well...I erm...I kinda should be seeing Rosie, and I'm tired, so yerrrr...." I began to rise but he pulled me back down.

" wait. One last question. And I want an honest answer... Are you here to help us, or yourselves?" He asked with teary and passionate eyes. With one last, passionate kiss, I pulled away, stood up, and gave him an honest answer. " it's all for you. It's all for them. It will never, ever, be for me" and with tears flowing down my face, I left.

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