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wonwoo picks up the phone the instant the call goes through. mingyu's startled by the sudden onslaught of wonwoo's deep voice, so he stutters as he says hello.

"mingyu, thank fuck you picked up, i was so worried—"

"you were?" mingyu's voice cracks, and he's honestly about to tear up from the mere sound of wonwoo.

"look, i know you hate me for leaving you that night, but i had some shit to take care of and before i knew it—"

"i just want to ask one thing," mingyu cuts to the point. "i don't want to be led on. are you still committed to someone else?"

there's a heavy breath on the line. "no," he says firmly. "i'd been in a bad relationship for months... but i then met you. that halloween party was everything for me. i'd spent so long in the dark, not knowing who i was or what i was meant to be, but your stupid drunk ass made me realise that i could be happy."

mingyu doesn't say anything, so wonwoo continues. "that girl is irrelevant to me. i was only with her because my parents were beginning to pressure me to settle down and i didn't know what else i could do. i'd never been happy with anyone i'd been with, so i was beginning to think i'd never meet someone i genuinely liked."

"then why did i catch you two..." mingyu feels a sudden burst of upset.

the line is silent for a while. wonwoo seems to be thinking of how to express his thoughts. "she... well basically, after i met you, she somehow heard rumours that we'd slept together."


"we didn't!" wonwoo hurriedly denies, "not that night. you just kissed me like once, but that was it."

"i actually did?" mingyu mentally slaps himself.

"well, i might've allowed it," wonwoo hums, "but that's beside the point. she called me out at the christmas party last year, shouting all sorts of slurs and saying she'd suspected it since she caught me watching gay porn."

"what the—"

"it's a weird story," wonwoo brushes over it, "basically, it was a hell messy break up but i didn't regret it one bit. that night you, uh..."


"yeah," wonwoo says awkwardly, "she bumped into me at that party, and i walked away but she looked so depressed. she insisted i talk with her, so i obliged, but i think she was too drunk and she climbed onto me. it was honestly just terrible timing."

"i swear you were into it, grabbing onto her waist all—"

"i was trying to push her off!" wonwoo insists, sounding incredibly frustrated, "it's not like you didn't make out with a girl directly after!"

"i was angry!" now it's mingyu's turn to defend himself, but in reality, they were both in the wrong and just idiots about the whole situation.

wonwoo laughs quietly. "i think it's all just a misunderstanding. i've been chasing this emotion for so long that once i began to feel even a bit of it, i panicked and did everything wrong."

"i know all about panicking," mingyu agrees. "no one's ever made me as chaotic as you have, jeon wonwoo."

"the feeling's mutual. my flirtatiousness is a mere reflex to disguise how much of a fucking wreck i am. i actually was tearing myself apart thinking i'd never see you again after the day we met since you never texted me back, but... here we are."

"here we are," mingyu echoes.

the line goes quiet again. mingyu's hesitant to voice his thoughts, and his heart's thumping so loudly he can barely hear himself think, but he eventually says, "so, is this thing a relationship or what? stop holding your feelings back, it's driving me insane."

"hang on," is all wonwoo says, before the phone line cuts. mingyu's left stunned, and his phone eventually starts slipping because of how much his hand is sweating.

he sits still for what feels like an eternity, not wanting to move until he hears a reply from wonwoo. there's a knock at the door, and mingyu has half a mind to yell at them to open the door themselves as he's assuming they're his roommates, but then he remembers them all saying they'd be out late that day.

mingyu doesn't do anything, so the knock repeats, slightly louder this time. he slowly rises from the couch and pads over to the door, unlocking it an inch to peek through.

it's the devil himself, hair is swept over to the side and small studs in his ears. his shirt's not fully buttoned up and his sleeves are rolled to the elbows, revealing firm and veiny forearms. he's an angel in every sense of the word, and mingyu feels his heart race like it never has before.

"can i see your face properly?" wonwoo asks smoothly, stepping closer to the door so he's nearly nose-to-nose with mingyu, who's peeking through the small gap he created.

"y-yeah," mingyu flings the door wide and just stares at the boy. he's torn between wanting to hug him gently or, alternatively, roughly slamming him into the hallway, kissing him senseless. he resorts to a nervous gulp, staring at wonwoo and taking in every detail of his face.

"i just wanted to answer your question in person," wonwoo says. he doesn't miss a beat, as he smiles and says, "yes. i really fucking adore you - i have since i met you - and if you wanna call this thing a relationship, i'd be more than happy to oblige."

mingyu's mouth hangs open a little. "uh, cool!" he replies lamely, "i don't really know how all this first date stuff is supposed to work, though..."

"how about we start with dessert?" wonwoo suggests, stepping closer and fiddling with the collar of mingyu's shirt. "i heard from jun that adore u is doing the same promotion this month for white day." he's tantalisingly close now, lips hovering a mere breath away.

"oh, is that so?" mingyu cocks his head, holding himself back from closing the gap just yet.

"wanna go get some free ice cream?" wonwoo whispers, a soft smile spreading across his face.

mingyu doesn't hesitate in returning his smile. "it'll be my pleasure."

- end -

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