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The story is not suitable for under the age of 12, there are no disturbing scenes (although it contains philosophical parts that can stimulate thinking about human existence), animal species are in the main focus


 The soft violet sheet covered the sky on this pleasant spring evening, slowly hiding daylight from people.

 In a field near the city a lovely girl named Ivon looked disappointedly at a distance, and then her grandmother Matilda addressed her: "You can't do anything- they sold this field to a rich man and he will probably build a building or some another object ..." Ivon:" But they can't build here- where abandoned dogs will live? They are helpless and need food ... " Matilda:" You did what you could, you brought them food and played with them, but now it's the end. They'll probably get them out. " Ivon (crying):" Why does everything in life has to be so complicated?! "

 Ivon is a twenty-two year old girl with blonde- brown hair, dressed in brown trousers, a blue shirt under which is a pink blouse with long sleeves, binds her hair in two tails. She has big blue eyes and loves animals so she has enrolled in zoology college. She has a  terrier named Fluffy, for whom she says it is her best friend.

 At the college, Ivon stood in the hallway with a friend from the class, Bella, a person who loves birds of all kinds. Her dress is imaginative and like a bird she loves strong colors, the most green which she wears most often. She usually wears hanging earrings and brown boots,she's feminine although she has a short black hair.

 Bella: "I can't believe they will close asylum, don't these people have a hearts?" Ivon: "If the dogs would at least have a wings to fly to a better place ... " Bella (laughs):" Ha, dogs that fly ... funny. (stopping laughing) Sorry, I didn't mean anything wrong. "Ivon:" It's okay. I wish I could do something. (looks behind) Oh, here is that one girl that irritates me and I don't know why. " Bella: "I'm a little scared of her five-centimeter nails or how long they are - they look like claws with which she wants to get you and bite with her fangs ..." Ivon (interrupts): "Slowly, Bella, she's not a vampire! I mean, that fangs part. In any case, tonight I'm going to say goodbye to the puppies, I'm gonna miss them. "

 The girl they talked about accidentally hit Bella and her notes felt down. Girl: "I'm sorry, I'll help you with that ... Uh, you're really nervous. Do you have the exam or something?" Bella (shaking): "No ..." Girl : "Oh, I'm really sorry to upset you." Ivon: "What kind of animal are you studying?" Girl (wink): "Meow! By the way, my name is Kitty. (leaves) " Bella:" Now at least I know why I am afraid. The cats are treacherous creatures. " Ivon: "Maybe she's not that bad." Bella: "Come on, the dogs think that all other beings just want to play!" Ivon (laughs): "Of course they will! You just need to get to know them better!"

 They put another glance at Kitty- she walked gracefully in her black shirt, red tight skirt to her knees and in the medium high-heels. Her hair was black-brown, slightly longer than the length of her shoulders and she wore a red bow.

 Evening. Ivon is playing with one of the asylum dogs. An orange car parked near the gate and a girl of lush red hair and darker tan came out, dressed in an orange t-shirt with fishnet sleeves and collar and orange 3/4 pants, with ribbon in her hair, who entered the asylum yard and headed for Ivon. Ivon: "Good afternoon, can I help you?" Girl: "Depends. What are you doing here?" Ivon: "I'm saying goodbye to my friends puppies. The new owner will surely take them away." Girl: "You like animals? Cool. I like wild animals, the more exotic, the better, but I have nothing against puppies and kittens either." Ivon: "It would be great if new owner would be like you." The girl (gives her hand): "Tanya. New owner of this asylum." Ivon (surprised): "You are the owner? I am Ivon, I am sorry that I dared to come into your property. I only have to say goodbye to two more dogs and I'm leaving ..." Tanya: "Why? This remains asylum, we will only complement the complex for other animal species. You can come whenever you want, it doesn't bother me. I even wanted to bring some experts for animals here. Do you know someone? " Ivon: "My friend Bella is studying birds, and today I met Kitty, who is studying cats ... I will ask them." Tanya: "Okay, works for me. I need your help around this place."

 The next day Ivon said to Bella and Kitty for Tanya's idea and they agreed to come and see what they can do. Kitty: "I don't have many friends, I'm very careful when friends are in question, but you look fine to me. So, I'll tell you a little secret: Do you see that girl in purple sweatshirt and sweatpants, one with brown hair to her shoulders and with earrings? It's Violet, I know her from high school. She's a bit quiet, but she's great in helping animals and knows treatments of various types. She doesn't stand out and you would hardly notice her pass by you, but believe me she's worth paying attention to. Her specialty are silent animals like hamsters, rabbits, turtles, porpoises ..." Bella:" It's incredible, I really wouldn't notice her and she sounds like an interesting person. " Ivon (blushing): "Frankly, Kitty, I thought you were just some arrogant girl." Kitty: "Cats always leave such an impression, but they are actually soft and friendly to those who are interesting to them. To me,you left impression of cheerful person with too much energy who is always happy. (laughter) " Bella:" Wait just seeing her when she gets upset, she knows even to bite! (all three laugh and then go toward Violet)." Ivon (Violet) : "Hi, Violet, I'm Ivon, this is Bella, I suppose you know Kitty from before. I want to ask you if you want to be part of the animal's asylum, because I hear you're good at treating animals?" Violet: "I'll think about it, thank you for the offer." Kitty (writes the address Ivon gave her): "Here, come here when you have time." Bella: "We will be there after the lecture."

 In the afternoon, four girls meet in asylum, where Tanya already waited for them. Bella: "I thought there was only one building here." Tanya: "Father's workers made boxes for various animal species. Right there in the middle will be the hospital for animals,it will be finished by the day after tomorrow. " Ivon: "They are really fast!" Tanya: "As my dad often repeats, time is money. Come on, let me show you the complex."

 There was place for another person in the team, so they decided for someone who knew the horses, which was Tina from a smaller place nearby, who had several horses and knew much about care for them. She is a blonde - haired girl, her hair is lush at the top and tied in two braids beneath it. Usually she is dressed in a tight black trousers, a brown jacket, wears a ribbon around the head and red flats. The girls have accidentally heard of her- she was someone who takes a lot of care for the fur of animals (primarily horses) and she received awards for the best decorated horse. As a little girl she wanted to have Pet Shop,  now that wish somewhat got true.

 They gathered together in one room. Tanya: "Some animals will live here temporarily until they return to the wilderness or don't go to the zoo, and some stay longer or until someone adopts them, as in the case of puppies, kittens, hamsters ... We will also have tours in which we will introduce people to different types of animals. " Kitty:" Who has come up with this great plan? " Tanya: "I thought to make a pet shop, and my father got it to a higher level. I know that I'm a little quick and impatient so people are hardly following me, but I hope we understand each other..." Others nodded. Tina: "This'll be great!"

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