Two days later:

 Kitty: "Today I will introduce you to our special guest- lion. It belongs to one of the 36 species of wild cats, along with jaguars, tigers, pumas, leopards ... By the way, panthers are black leopards. Because of its gorgeous mane it is called animal king, in packs usually live a lion and more lioness who hunt food for the whole pack. They feed on zebras, gazelles, antelopes ... Males are very lazy and can lay for as long as four days until the lionesses bring food . Babies are freckled when they are born. The lions are cruel to other youngsters, they kill them and leave only their own. Their relatives, tigers, are the largest cats of all with their 2.8 m length, while cheetahs are the fastest land animals  which can run up to 110 km/h. Now is the time to talk to you about domestic cats - you should bathe them only when they are really dirty because they have the habit of cleaning themselves, they are initially distrustful, like to choose their place in the house , there are over 70 species of cats of which the domestic cat is the most common and some of the other species are: Russian blue cat, Siamese, Persian, British shorthair, Ragdoll, Bengal, Sphynx- cat with no fur, Egyptian mau ... Cats have the power to feel the disease in people,  their purring  positively works on the psyche. Among the long-haired cats is the most famous Persian cat. It is mild-natured, intelligent, agrees with other animals, it is not very active and is not intrusive. Rarely meows, it is very good-natured, good hunter and it doesn't like being touched by unknown people. Unlike her, the Siamese cat is much more sociable, active, meows more than the Persians, hates loneliness, loves to play and can be trained to bring a thrown ball. "

 Tanya: "When something exotic is mentioned snakes are usually one of the things that come to mind. All snakes are carnivores, have a forked tongue that supports the sense of smell, food is not chewed, but it is mostly swallowed. They are categoried on: 1. pitons , boas and anacondas, which make up the family of giant snakes that have the remaining rudiments of the hind legs. They suffocate their prey. Reticulated piton is the longest snake in the world- 9 m, followed by an anaconda with about 7.6 m. 2. Aesculapian snake, harmless or somewhat poisonous snakes, in which group are 2/3 snakes in the world, live in different places. 3. vipers, poisonous snakes with increased poisonous teeth, which are divided into rattlesnakes and real vipers, and 4th poisonous snakes, which are divided into cobras, sea snakes, mambas and coral snakes. The Royal Cobra is the most toxic and the largest poisonous snake, it feeds on others snakes, the only kind of cobra that makes a nest. Shakespeare in his work described the scene where the cobra kills Cleopatra- the lethal dose for a human is 15 mg of cobractoxin, the poison is stronger when the snake is hungry because that poison is used during food digestion. In the second corner you can see turtle. They are herbivores, wrapped with bony shells that protect them from predators, there are about 300 species of which are the smallest speckled padloper tortoise, the largest leatherback sea turtles, while the Galapagos turtles are the most long-lived. They are easy to tame. They are born from eggs. When are kept as pets,they live in a terrarium at a temperature of 24-26 degrees of Celsius, with the forest turtles not being good pets. "

 Violet: "Tanya and I agreed that she tells about turtles, although this is more my expertise, and that I have enough time to talk about hamsters, porpoises and fish that are kept in the aquarium. Porpoises are rodents, more related to the hamster, they don't have a tail and don't weight more than 1 kg. They are born with permanent teeth. The majority of things are the same as in hamsters: curiosity, activity, both are vegetarians, fast reproduction.Hamster is a night animal that is not a lover of bathing, but can clean itself for hours with paws. Keeps food in its cheeks because it fears that it will be left without food, and the wild hamster during the winter remains in his organized nest 2m underground. The wild hamster was once massively hunted because of eating cereal crops. They have a bad vision, a strong sense of smell, they tend to dig holes, chew wood or toys intended for them, mark their territory with their hips where their glands are located, the squeaking means it is scared or angry. Usually lying on the back while resting and the most entertaining toy is the wheel. In this aquarium right we have several types of fish. This largest, in a separate part, is a ballonfish. They live in tropical waters, they are not the best swimmers and they are solitary. They don't have scales, although some have spikes, their body contains enough poisons to kill thirty people in a matter of seconds. The balloonfish is one of the few species of fish that can blink and close eyes. It falls into the tetradontide group, it has two bumps that look like teeth and with it smashes shells of crustaceans and mollusks to feed. As for the popular aquarium fish, there are guppies, goldfish, oscar, platies,neon tetra, killfish ... Goldfish is golden color and can live up to twenty years, while guppi is specific to the fact that females give birth and, after several reproductions, are allegedly becoming males, with this claim not proven, but that is why clown fish can change gender, which is a rarity in the animal world. Some fish are stored in a heater aquarium, while the others are from the natural habitat with cooler water, the bottom is filled with sand and around it is planted some plant from the habitat of fish, for example Elodea, Cabomba, Valismeria ... "

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