Getting Captured? pt 3 Romeo and Juvia

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Romeo P.O.V. 

We didn't know where we were going. All we could do was run. Juvia and I ran as fast we could until we slipped on ice. I hit a tree branch. and Juvia just stopped sliding. "Romeo are you okay?" She asked. I nodded my head. I saw someone jumping from tree to tree like a monkey.

"Don't worry Romeo, I'll keep you safe from Gray" I heard Wendy whisper. I felt shivers go down my spine. I try to push her away gently but I pushed her harder than I wanted to. "Juvia C'mon run!!" I run up to get her but I pushed away with ice shards in my hair. I feel a dark aura coming

From Wendy and Gray. "DON'T. HURT. ROMEO!" Wendy shouted. "THEN KEEP HIM AWAY FROM JUVIA!!" Gray-san shouted "C'mon Romeo let's go you don't ice freak yelling at you just because you touched Juvia-AHH!!!" Wendy was pushed away with Gray's magic. "Gray-sama!! Please 

Don't hurt Wendy or Romeo!" Juvia begged. Gray sent me and Wendy a glare before he turned towards Juvia. "Sky dragon ROAR!!!" Wendy attacked and Gray got hit.  He was sent flying into a tree. Mine and Juvia's eyes widen. I saw half of Gray's body turning black. "Wendy! Romeo!! Run!

I'll hold off Gray-sama as long as I can just get out of here!!" Juvia shouted. "C'mon Wendy let's go!" I shouted and grabbed her hand but before we got out of the forest I got hit with Gray's ice gyester. "ROMEO!!" Juvia and Wendy shouted. Wendy looked upset. She turns towards Gray. 

At the same time Gray-san and Wendy both shouted "THIS. MEANS. WAR!!!!!!" And then they both started to fight. Juvia and I watch in horror in our eyes. 


Reyna: Hey peeps sorry for not updating!!! This book is still on hold anyways gtg bai!!

words: 308

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