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Holly P.O.V. 

"Holly wake up!!" Someone whispered. They were shaking me. I Open my eyes to see who it was. It was kind of a blur but I could see Reyna's face. "What's going on? Are we at the resort already?" I asked. She shook her head. "The boys are here. Gray froze the car in place. Help me wake up-"

Reyna screamed and looked behind her. "Chill Chill! It's just me Reyna Relax" Edwin whispered. He touched her hand. I could see her calm down. She smiled. "You scared me Edwin" Reyna told him. "Oh sorry. You know Gray and the boys are here right?" He responded. "Yeah she woke me 

Up for it. C'mon we gotta wake up everyone" I say. Once we wake up the girls we make a plan to get out. "I'm really cold" Lucy shivers. "I'm not. I feel fine" Juvia stated. "It's most likely because of the mark" Levi pointed out. "Okay what's the plan? We need to get the girls and Romeo out of

Here!!" Gruviaverxoxo says. "Okay the plan is-AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Reyna screams. "Hello Holly" Hubert whispered. "THE PLAN IS TO RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Reyna shouts. Then it was like scatter. We all went into different directions. It was Me, Edwin, and Reyna, Romeo, and Juvia, 

Lucy and Levy, Mira and Gruviaverxoxo, Then Levi, and Pandora. I was tired of running. "Okay I think we're good. They should never find us." Edwin said. "Let's just walk. We're might need more energy for later" Reyna says. "Yeah Okay I'm tired anyway" I responded. Then we just 

Walked. I heard something shake in the bushes. I turn around to see nothing. "What's the matter Holly?" Reyna questioned. "I thought I heard something come from the bushes."I said. "Maybe you're just scaring yourself" Edwin said. I nodded my in agreement then we continue to walk.

Edwin P.O.V. 

While we were walking I heard something come from behind us. "Girls get behind me!" I say. "Edwin what's wrong?" Holly asked. "I heard something" I answer. "You're a mage?" Holly questioned. "Yeah I'm like Wendy. I use air/wind magic" I say. "And I'm a god, Devil, Dragon, 

Angel-" I cut Reyna off. "You Don't need to list all of your powers." I tell her coldly. She looked sad. I knew my jealously was getting the best of me. I was always upset that Reyna was more powerful than I was. In the stories it was always the boy saves the girl. But for us, it's the girl

Saves the boy. It's not the fairy tale I image in my head. There was then a noise. "Guys did you hear that?" She asked. "I heard it." I respond. "Me too-AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Holly screamed as we saw Hubert in front of us. "I'll make you a deal. Give me Holly and no one gets hurt." Hubert says.

"Nope" Reyna replies. "Okay then. You've made your choice" He whispered. Then a black hole appears under my feet and I go in. "EDWIN!!!" Reyna yells. I then appear in hubert's arms. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!" Reyna cries. "Why? I made a deal and you didn't agree to it. Now he

Gets hurt." Hubert stated. "WATER DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!" Reyna attack. Hubert chuckled. It didn't affect him. "I'm a water dragon slayer remember?" He says. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!" She attacks again. It only gave him a few cuts. Nothing serious. "My turn" He smirks. "REYNA RUN!!"

I yell. "I'm leaving without you Edwin!" She shouts back. Hubert attacks. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Reyna screams. All I could do was watch. I felt tears come out of my eyes as I watched Hubert torture Reyna and I hear Reyna scream. I looked at Holly and she was crying as well. I closed my

Eyes hoping it was a dream. I opened them a few seconds and I regret it. Reyna was on the floor. Her tan skin was was now Pale. Her pink lips were white. She had cuts and scars everywhere. She was bleeding everywhere. She was bathing in her pool of blood. "REYNA!!!" Holly yelled.

 "I love you Edwin" she whispered Then closed her eyes "NO!!" I yell. "Oh relax she's just napping. Stop being such a baby" I got angry. "SKY DRAGON ROAR!!!!" I yell. No affect. And just with a few hits I was down on for the count. I fell down next to Reyna. I kissed her. "I never got to tell you how I feel" I cried. 

"Holly Babe, Now that your friends are not protecting you why don't you just come with me?" Hubert said. Holly's face was stained with tears. "NO!!! YOU HURT MY FRIEND!! YOU JERK!" She yells. "Well I guess I'm gonna have to get you to go with me the hard way!" Hubert shouted.

"HOLLY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout as loud as I could. And she did. Hubert ran after her. I hugged Reyna. I didn't feel as good since she wasn't awake. I could feel my eyes become heavy. "I love you Reyna" I whispered. Those were my last words as I feel into a deep sleep. 


Reyna: That is it for this chapter!!

Holly: Please Vote, Comment and Follow Holly_BunnyGruviaverxoxoLeviathan72025, and Maddiecute247!!!

Levi: Reyna is sorry for updating late!!

Gruviaverxoxo: Please don't be too hard on her about it.

Pandora: Anyways...

everyone: BAI READERS!!

P.S. when Lucy is getting hurt and Natsu is watching it's just like that in the story with Edwin and I!!

Words: 894

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