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"I'm gonna miss you on tour." I pout as Colby packs his stuff up. We've been hanging out everyday so I knew I was gonna miss him like crazy.

I was lying on his bed while he was throwing clothes around everywhere. "I'm gonna miss you more. What am I gonna do without you?" He asked sitting on his couch. "Keep packing, you're flying out to New York in the morning." He groans as he gets back up.

Sam walks in to see how Colby's doing on his packing. "You almost ready?" He asked sitting on the couch in Colby's room. "Getting there. Breann is getting me distracted." I look up at him from my phone with a what the fuck look on my face. "I love your lying skills, can you show me how to do it?" I ask making the two boys laugh. "He's always like this." Sam tells me as Colby raises his arms in defense.

"Put me on blast why don't you?" Colby asked making Sam roll his eyes. "Just finish packing." Sam said getting up and leaving. It took Colby another hour to pack and it was already midnight. "I'm honestly wore out." He said looking at me. He's been doing a lot recently trying to get the tour together.

"Come lay down with me then." I pat the spot next to me as he turns the light out and comes over to me. "Can't pass that offer up." He lies next to me putting his face near me. "I'm gonna miss this." I say with my eyes closed.

"Same here, but it's just a month." He reassured me making me feel a little better. I've just grown attached to him. "Let's just get some rest." I say as Colby wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Goodnight beautiful." He whispered, tingles going down my back. It felt like sleep took over me quickly from how tired I was. Colby's alarm woke us up around six causing Colby to groan. I'm even surprised he woke up from it.

Colby got up to get ready for his flight as I sat up. Kat and I were gonna drive them to the airport so we could tell them bye. I got up to brush my hair and put a sweatshirt on.

I had under armor sweats on so I didn't feel like changing my pants. Colby and I walked downstairs in silence because we were too tired to say anything. "You guys ready?" Sam asked rubbing his eyes. We all nodded as we piled in Kats car.

Kat drove wile Sam sat in the passenger seat while Colby and I were in the back. Colby laced our fingers together as I laid my head on shoulder with my closed. We talked and listen to music while we drove to the airport.

When we get there, Kat and I help the boys get their stuff. We stop before we get to security so we can tell them bye. I hug Colby around his neck, taking his scent in before he left.

"Just one month beautiful." He whispered in my ear. "Stay safe alright?" He nods his head as we pull apart. "Just, make sure that no one messes with my room, alright?" I nod my head as he kissed my forehead.

He then hugged Kat bye as I hugged Sam bye. "Keep him in line." I joke causing Colby to roll his eyes. "I'll keep your boyfriend safe." He winked at me making me blush. Kat and Sam kiss one last time before leaving. I turn to look at him as he turned too. We both wave as we walk away. This month was gonna be long without him.

We walk back to her car so she can drive me back to the trap house to get my car. "We should have a girls night tonight. Me, you, Skyler, and Devyn." Kat said making me smile. "Of course, if you want I can send you and Devyn our address and we'll get it ready." I was honestly so excited to have girls night.

Kat drove me to the trap house so I could get my car to go back to my apartment. When I walked in, Skyler was asleep so I figured I'd catch up on my sleep.

I was sleeping good too til Skyler woke me up with her movie. I walk into the living room to see she's watching a three-d movie. "You having fun?" I ask as she nods her head. "Devyn and Kat are coming for a girls night." She pauses her movie while doing a happy dance. "Yay, I get the night with you and some girl friends!" She cheered making me laugh.

I check the time being two o'clock and I can't believe I slept in so late. "Well, I'm gonna go get stuff for girls night you can finish your movie." I smile as I head out the door. I didn't feel like changing since I was just going to target.

It only took me a few minutes to get to target since we live close to it. I was getting extra food when I heard a squeal behind me. I turn around to see it looked like a couple of fans.

"Are you Breann Taylor?" The girl asked as I nodded my head. "Oh my god, I love the videos you've been making." I smile as she she came over to me. "Oh thank you so much." I tell her humbly. This is my second fan meeting I've had and I love it.

"Can we get a picture?" She asked as I agreed to. She put her phone up in the air so we could get a selfie. "Thank you so much." I could tell she was nervous. "No problem, have a good day." She walks off so I continue to look for stuff.

I come back to the apartment to Skyler cleaning. "They're coming over soon." She explained. I helped Skyler clean our apartment which didn't take too long. Kat and Devyn came over shortly after we got done.

"Girls night is finally happening!" Skyler said happily. We planned on having a movie night and gossip. "So what are we watching first?" Kat asked sitting on our couch. "We can watch seventeen again?" I suggest looking through the movies I have.

We all agree so we sit down when it comes on and watch the movie while doing nails. The night we talked about the boys and tried to recreate different vines.

I can just say girls night was a big success with a lot of smiles and laughs.

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