Chapter 3: Welcome to Arendelle.

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I heard voices talking around me as I slowly gained consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes so they can get adjusted to the light. I looked around and saw Scarlet, Mac, and Maria on the right side of the bed while on the other side was a girl with platinum blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes.

"So you mean to tell us that we came to a different world or universe?" I heard scarlet ask, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"I believe so," The blonde female said, "It's been happening lately."

"Sorry, but who are you?" Mac asks.

"I am the Queen of Arendelle, Elsa anderson." The woman replied.

I then felt a searing headache go through my head, like an arrow constantly stabbing at it.

"Can someone please turn the lights off?" I said groaning, covering my eyes.

"(y/n)!" Scarlet shouted hugging me.

"Hey bud, how you feeling?" Mac asked.

"Like I fell through a roof." I replied.

"You kind of did." Maria said.

"What do you mean "I kind of did"?" I asked getting up.

They had explained to me that after we found the magic well, we were pushed in by someguy who caught us. I was the only one who had blacked out when we fell from the sky into the castle. I looked over to the platinum blonde who's name is Elsa.

"So we're in the world of Frozen?" I asked looking back at my friends.

They all nodded. Scarlet then got up and pinched my cheek.

"Don't think this is like one of your stories." She said fiercely. "You're mine and only mine."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." I said kissing her/

She smiled and kissed back.

"So I'm assuming you two are a couple?" Elsa asks.

"Yup," I replied holding Scarlet close. "She's the princess of the school. But that's on a title."

"So I've been told." She says. " And may I see these stories she's talking about.

I blushed and shook my head no rapidly.

"Why not?" She asks.

"I don't have them on me at the moment." I lied.

"But I do!" Mac chimed in giving one of my stories to Elsa."

I gave Mac a death glare and he just gave me a thumbs up. Scarlet and Maria were having a hard time trying to hold in their laughs. I groaned in annoyance and embarrassment and face palmed. I slowly looked up and saw that Elsa's face was a bright red.

I'm in deep shit... I thought.

"I-i must say," She said stuttering. "You do know how to write stories."

"Uh thanks." I said taking my story back.

"Well, I'll leave you be, I have a sister to check on." Elsa said getting up and leaving.

After she left, I turned around gave glared daggers over to Mac.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"You have ten seconds to run before I get up out of this seat and try murdering you." I said.

"Well, nice to see you guys, gotta run." Mac said and ran off.

I chuckled and got up.

"Careful, you've been out for two days." Scarlet said.

"You're joking right?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course she is," Maria said, "You've only been out for two hours."

I sighed in relief and stood up. After a minute of stretching, the rest of us went to the dining hall. When we got there, I felt a tug on my arm. I looked down and saw a small snowman with a carrot nose, stick arms, and three buttons.

"Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs." He greeted happily holding his arms out awaiting a hug.

"Okay, a talking snowman.... Now i've seen everything." Scarlet says.

"And you guys are,?" He asks.

"Oh. I'm (y/n)." I replied.

"I'm scarlet." Scarlet adds

"And i'm Maria." Maria said.

"Ah, glad you could make it. Please take a seat." Elsa says entering the room.

Along with her was Mac, a strawberry blonde girl and a broad dirty blonde man.

"So these are your friends mac?" The strawberry blonde asks.

"Yup, (y/n), Maria and Scarlet." He replies.

"Ah, well nice to meet you, I'm Anna, Elsa's younger sister." She says smiling.

"I'm Kristoff." Kristoff." the dirty blonde guy said smiling as well.

"Nice to meet you." Scarlet said smiling back.

XXX Somewhere in ArendelleXXX

"So, he has arrived?" A dark menacing voice asked that boomed throughout the room.

"Yes, your darkness. He arrived two hours ago with three others." A minion replied.

"That's going to complicate my plans even more." He said groaning.

"What do you want to do about it Master Pitch?" The minion asks.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" He replies smirking darkly.

XXX Back at the Castle.XXX

After we finished eating, we were shown to our rooms. Scarlet asked if she could share a room with me, so we went to the room we were given. I went to the bed and flopped on it. Scarlet sat next to me and started to rub my shoulders.

"You okay?" She asks.

"I don't know. I mean I'm happy im in the world of Frozen, but what was that guys goal in sending us here?" I replied sighing.

"I don't know baby, i don't know." She says kissing my neck.

"S-scarlet w-what are you doing?" I asked blushing madly.

"Trying to relieve some of your stress." She replied, "Is it working?"

I slowly nodded and she turned me over and straddled me. She leaned down and kissed me deeply. I smiled and kissed back wrapping my arms around her waist.

~time skip~

I was having the most wonderful dream until I fell off the bed. No doubt that woke up Scarlet and the people down stairs.

"(y/n)..." Scarlet said groggily. "You awake?"

"Well, I don't think I'm asleep." I replied sarcastically.

"Don't be a smart ass and get back in bed." She said.

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