Old Feelings Come Back To Life

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I sat there in silence as I listened to the ring in my phone. I haven't talked to him in forever. He broke my heart but he is the only one who truly understood me. I needed to talk to someone and he was the right person...I think. 

"Shea?...  Is that you?" A deep male voice said. 

Wow. I haven't heard his voice in a while. Just listening to that deep American accent gave me goosebumps. I was debating if I should answer because I was so nervous. Am I making the right decision?

"Yes. It's me..." I finally answered. "Look, we haven't talked in a while and I am kinda in a tough place right now and need some advice. Can you come pick-"

"I will be right there hun. Just text me the location."

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

And he hung up. I cannot believe I just talked to Jake. The last words I remember telling him was to get out of my life. It was a tough relationship. I really liked him, well lets face it, I loved him. He made me laugh, smile, and cry but he was still Jake. After 20 minutes I heard an engine roar behind me. Just as I stood up I saw a muscular figure get out of the truck. There he was. That gorgeous blonde hair windswept across his face with that perfect surfer body. He looked at me with those deep sea blue eyes. He was exactly how I remembered him. He was the one I was deeply in love with.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little snowflake." He said with a slight smile.

Snowflake. That was his nickname he gave me when we were dating. "You know I have always hated that name Jakeypoo." I exclaimed.

"You secretly loved it" He said with a wink. God, this boy was his same cheeky self. 

"Your so conceited, you know that?" I said as I walked over to him.

"Nah, I just appreciate myself" Jake said. 

"Whatever floats your boat Jake." I joked as a sudden breeze went through and made me shiver. 

"Speaking of boats.. you look drenched! I thought you could'nt sw-"

"I know, thats why I brought you here."

"To teach you how so swim????"

"NO STUPID. I am kinda in a rough spot right know."

"Well let me sit down with you, and here, take my jacket, you look like a lost puppy." 

"Thanks..." I mumbled. He sat down right next to me and draped his jacket over my shoulder. He then wrapped me in his arms to keep me warm. I missed this. I miss those nights when we would go for midnight walks in the park and lay down and look at the stars. I missed him most of all. I always have and always will. But Shelby had to ruin it.......

"What are you thinking?" He said as he interrupted my thoughts. 

"Well... Niall has-"

"Oh god, what has this kid done now?!"

"You see, he is being a little.. overprotective. I can't do anything on my own without his "permission" and it is driving me inzayn!."

"Don't you mean, "insane"?"

"Sorry, I have been hanging around his friends to much.."

"His friends? As in that One Direction band?"

"Yes, he introduced me to the rest of the band and well, I kinda fell for this one guy.." It was awkward telling my ex boyfriend about my love interest but he was the only one I could talk to. 

"So you brought me here to talk about your love life?!! Or so I could just be a rebound? Because he isn't letting you date this one guy?!" He yelled. He was starting to get angry but he wasn't getting the point. He was just about to stand up but I stopped him.

"No Jake, I am not using you. Don't leave me please. I just needed a little help. I am just.. confused." HIs face got a lot calmer which made me happy. He began to sit back down where he was before. "I don't know what to do Jake. Please help me." I said as a couple tears fell down my face. He pulled me into a hug and kept me there for a while. I strangely liked it. And I strangely enjoyed his company. "I missed you.. a lot." I whispered. 

He lifted me up and cupped my face in his hands. "You don't know how much I have missed you too Shea. Everyday after you left I felt so broken, so incomplete. With you here it just makes my heart feel like it has been sowed back together. As if there were no broken pieces to begin with. I regret everything I did to hurt you. I never knew how much I loved you until you left. Shea, I am still in love with you."

I didn't know what to say. I had mixed emotions. My brain was telling me one thing but my heart was saying another. I loved Jake before but I don't know if I still do now. I was so hurt when I found out about what he kept from me in the past. I use to love everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his body, but most of all, himself. He light up my world like nobody else. But before I had a chance to say anything, his lips crashed into mine. I was in shock. But the bad part was, I was not trying to stop him. Our lips just moved in sync as if nothing ever separated us. But before I could break from the kiss, I heard footsteps behind me... 

"Shea?!" I familiar voice said.

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