8: I've got you

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Something's wrong! I can hear Taehyung's voice so clearly!
Jungkook couldn't just sit by when his heart was skipping beats at thoughts of what might be happening to Taehyung. He never got the chance to see Taehyung ever since he had opened the door, the Kim Alpha wouldn't let Jungkook out of his sight ever since that happened every time they made a visit. It wasn't too clear in his memory since he only managed to peek inside the room, but he was sure there were red stains.
He frantically got up and dressed in his princely suit. He had to do something regardless of the fact it was so late.
Jungkook got his cape on and chose to ride his own horse rather than take a carriage. He stealthily sneaked through the corridors of the palace rushing outside and past all the trees and tall grass and all of a sudden he felt a strong presence on his wrist.
"Son, where are you going at this time?" His mother asked him with worry in her expression. She'd known that Jungkook found it very hard to become attached to a person and care for them. He came across as a very cold Alpha but when he would need to protect someone dear to him, nothing, absolutely nothing, would stop him. And at that moment she could see he was eager to get to someone he held dear to him; nothing could make her happier.
"Son who is it that you're going to see?"
Jungkook sure was surprised at how his mother guessed so easily but in the rush of the moment he was eager to answer quick and slip away.
"Uh mother please don't tell anyone I have to go to Taehyung." He didn't even realise he had said the young 'alpha's name. "Oh uh I-I mean"
"Don't worry my dear hurry on and go safely. I shall let Kim Hyerin know that you are going to see your fiancé." She hugged Jungkook hard and winked before hurrying back inside to send the message.
Jungkook was still frozen in the position he was left after the hug.
Wait did she say fiancé!?
Jungkook blushed hard at the realisation and felt a soft moment of happiness within his heart until he regained his senses and rushed to the stable to ride his horse.
Taehyung I'm coming. Please hang on.

The Kim Palace
Taehyung tried his best to dodge each fist that was thrown at him but it was no use. He couldn't think of what he'd done wrong to deserve this, but he didn't oppose because he was told they treated him better than any other omega was in the past. He was being allowed to live, that was more than enough, and he'd tried to be grateful but the way they broke him made him feel that perhaps it would be easier to die. That's what his mother had suggested.
"YOU. Punch FILTHY. Smack OMEGA! How dare you let them find out you're an omega!" His father growled, running purely on his Alpha. The red was blazing in his eyes and Taehyung felt like a small child trying hard not to let out a cry of pain but he couldn't help it.
"Aaah! Father, p-please I did n-nothing other than what I-I was told. Please stop."
"You omega, perhaps I should send where you belong today." He smirked at the omega who was shivering at the sight of a dagger in his father's hand.
"N-no please!"
"This is the same dagger I killed your precious Chaerin with."
The Alpha jerked Taehyung's chin up and spoke cold-heartedly. "You know we've never considered you our son, but we still gave you the blessing of a place in the family. Unfortunately for you, the Jeon Alpha wants your hand in marriage for his son. We have no option other than to get rid of you so Jisung can take your place." The pure evil was visible in his expression, and Taehyung flinched every time the tip of the dagger was dragged along his skin, tearing the cotton of his shirt.
There was a lot he wanted to say to him. How he hated the way he was treated. How he had tried all he could to prove himself a good son. How he never complained at the way he was only given one meal a day. How he, how he woke up everyday wondering whether he would be able to wake up the next...
Without any warning the Kim Alpha forced the dagger into Taehyung's lower stomach. He pushed it in and pulled it out so quick the omega didn't get a chance to dodge it. The Alpha was satisfied at the sight of the red liquid and walked out in laughter. Taehyung felt sharp stings of excruciating pain luring out his tears.
He cried wincing in pain. His breath was heavy and he felt himself becoming lightheaded as the blood poured out before him.
So this is how I'll die, huh.
He cried and cried and cried until he could cry no more; he accepted everything and patiently waited for death to envelop him, to save him from the hell he was living.

Taehyung I'm coming. Please hang on.


Jungkook! Please save me!

Kim Hyerin hurried to the Kim Alpha desperate to find him. The news she had just received weren't good at all considering the situation. But it was too late to refuse since the Jeon son was on his way.
"Alpha I got a letter from the Jeon palace saying that Jeon Jungkook is on his way! What do we-" she stopped in her tracks when she saw her husband wiping the fresh blood off his dagger. "You didn't, did you?"
"I did, but I don't think he'll die yet. Just leave him there and he'll finish sooner or later. And about Jeon Jungkook you say, what does he need at this time, crazy kid."
"He's here to take Taehyung." She mumbled quietly, but loud enough for the Kim Alpha to hear. He froze and looked at her.
He thought a bit and spoke.
"Well, we will just say he attempted to kill himself and we locked him in the room to stop him. Don't panic my dear, finally we will be getting rid of him, though I never wanted him to stay alive."
"But Jisung.."
"Don't worry dear, if not today we can always get rid of him in the near future." An evil grin made it's way onto the Alpha's face. Things weren't turning out the way he wanted and he hated that, but it was best for now to just play along.
"Get one of our maids to pack Taehyung's belongings."

Jungkook's pace quickened now and his heart was hammering so hard in his chest.
Since when have I come to care for you like this Taehyung? I haven't even met you properly even once!
He arrived and was quickly greeted by the guards at the gates of the palace that were expecting him. At the entrance of the tall door stood a lady with a slim and tall figure. She stared at Jungkook with cold eyes that he had never noticed at any previous occasion, but he just casually ignored the impression she was trying to make on him.

Silly lady, it's not like you'll intimidate me.

He sighed and asked her to take him to Taehyung. She handed him Taehyung's small bag of belongings and warned him,
"Taehyung has just attempted to kill himself so don't be surprised at what you see. Hurry on, take him and leave." Her cold words were sharp but he was not fazed. Instead his worry for Taehyung only grew.

"Take me to him." He ordered, the Alpha breaking into his voice.
Kim Hyerin being an alpha herself shuddered slightly at the tone in the younger's voice, so she called for her servant who was to bring Taehyung out.
"Wait out here young man." She walked back in and after a couple of minutes footsteps heading back out were heard. She was pulling Taehyung by his arm as he limped after her, the pace too fast for him. A thick black cape was wrapped around his entire body, but from his face Jungkook could tell he was in great pain.

His fists clenched in anger.

Are you fucking dumb thinking I would fall for what you sad, wicked lady. He clearly never did this to himself.

Before Jungkook could reach out to take Taehyung, she threw her son towards him, Jungkook just about caught him from falling at his knees thanks to his quick reflexes. He knew there was no point in starting anything now so he glared at Hyerin with his alpha eyes and carefully lifted Taehyung carrying him over to the horse.
Kim Hyerin was rather amused at how much care such a worthless waste of space was getting, but more so she was fascinated by Jungkook's strong alpha characteristics. She had never seen such powerful eyes that had intertwined shades of bright red and wine red glaring back at her. Watching them ride off in the distance she frowned at the thought that her beloved son Jisung could've had such a handsome young man for a partner.
"Whatever," and she stepped back indoors.

Jungkook was worried sick feeling Taehyung trembling. He had one of his arms wrapped around the younger, another guiding the horse.

Please Taehyung, hang on.

Taehyung felt his head close to Jungkook's chest his legs hanging off. At every jerk on the path he flinched in pain, the other comforting him with his hand.

"Taehyung hold on we're nearly there. I've got you."

Taehyung had been wanting to hear words like that all his life. He pressed himself against Jungkook feeling better in his warmth, a warmth that felt so foreign yet so welcoming. But the pain was too much for him to bear. He had tried hard to hold back but his tears poured out and Jungkook felt his heart sink; he was more desperate than ever to get Taehyung to safety.

Finally Taehyung has escaped the Kim Palace! Now it'll be all about Jungkook and Tae ;) btw always know how thankful I am and how much I appreciate every single vote and read I get. Thank you so much.

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