Chapter 12

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Back to Maya's point of view. This chapter is really funny guys

I woke up on the couch next to Nico. He's still asleep so I carefully get up trying to not wake him up and go brush my teeth. When I come back to the living room Nico is awake.

"Good morning" he yawns.

"Morning, I'm making eggs. " I say.

"Thanks, I'm gonna go change and stuff."


I wanted to do something nice for Nico because hes been really nice lately and he helped me last night at the party.

I start making the eggs and take out some spices from the cabinets. The spice just adds flavor. I get out some salt, pepper, red pepper, chia seeds, and this green spice that looks like oregno but I'm not sure.

As I set everything on the table Nico comes downstairs.

"You made all this?" He asks.


"It looks really good. Where did you learn to cook?"

"Thanks and there's something called google." I chuckle.

We sit down and eat the eggs I made. After a few bites I start feeling a bit dizzy and my head feels weird.

"My head is dizzy." Nico says.

"Mine too." I say.

"What did you put in these eggs?" He asks while laughing hysterically and keeps eating it. "It's soooooo gooood." He laughs again.

"I just put spices in it." I laugh too. "I want some foooood."

"Hehe your eating food right now. Whatever you put in here is sooo good. You should make it more often hehe."

"Well I want more fooood. I don't want these eggs anymore." I whine.

"Hahaha. What did you put in this thing?"

"Lemme show you." I say as we somehow walk to the spice cabinet while we bump into everything because we're so dizzy. I take out all the spices I used and show them to Nico.

"Salt, pepper, red pepper, chia seeds, and.... WEED!?" Hahaha you put weed in here. Your so funny." Nico says.

"That's not weed its oregno."

"Its weed."


"How would you know it's not your house!" He yells and then laughs again.

"It is my house. If I sleep here then I live here duh." I laugh again.

"Whatever, I know this is weed because I put it here so no one could find it. I guess I didn't hide it good enough." He starts laughing histerically again and I join.

"Whyyyy would you hide weeeeed in the kitcheeen?"

"Why wouldn't I duuuhhh."

"Why not your rooooom?" I laugh.

"Becaaauuuse people gooo in my roooom. Hahaha."

"Whatever." I say while laughing and trying to walk to the couch. Nico sits next to me.

"You know what would be funny?" Nico laughs.

"What?" I giggle.

"If we played truth or dare haha."

"Ok hehe."

"Truth or dare." Nico asks.

"Um truth." I laugh.

"Why did you move without saying bye?"

I froze. I know I'm high right now, but I'm not that high that I'm gonna tell him. I didn't know how to tell him that my step dad dragged me out of town and abused me.

"Hellllooo Maya you didn't answer." Nico says breaking me from my thoughts.

"Um it's complicated."

"That's not an answer." He laughs.

I'm just gonna tell him and get it over with and since we're both high he probably wont think too much of it.
"My step dad made me leave and he threatened me if I told anyone we were leaving."


I just shrug I dont feel like telling him anymore right now. "That's two questions."

"Fine, your turn." Nico says.

"Truth or dare."


"Hehehe I dare you to go up to the neighbors house and ring their doorbell naked." I say while laughing because this is gonna be so funny.

"Hahaha ok." He says while getting undressed and walking towards the door.

(Warning: Things get a little weird here so read at ur own will)

I get out my phone to record and follow Nico out the door. He hasn't taken off his boxers yet but he took his shirt and pants off. I have to say he is sexy af. He has a freaking 6 pack! Like damn ok I see you flexing. He takes off his boxers at the front gate of the neighbors house and my mouth drops. I think I'm drooling. He has such a cute little ass. He turns to look at me and I close my mouth quickly. I got a glimpse of his stick and it looks pretty big. I have to look away to compose my self and then turn back around to start recording.

He rings the doorbell and someone comes to open the door. It's a tall middle aged man with slick black hair and square glasses. When he sees Nico he gasps.

"Young man what do you think you are doing!?" The man says.

"You like what you see." Nico says with a smirk.

The mans face turns bright red and goes to close the door. As he closes it his hand touches Nico's dick. You can tell he did it on purpose but is trying to make it look like an accident.

Nico starts walking towards me and grabs his boxers. I start laughing histerically because when I slightly look down I see that Nico has a boner. He looks at me with a confused expression and then looks down. His face turn so red and he runs home.

I walk home and when I open the door Nico is on the couch trying to fix it. He sees me and grabs a pillow to cover him. I sit next to him ignoring his hand under the the pillow.

"Did you like my dare." I ask with a grin on my face.

"I'm gonna get you back for that!"

I laugh. "Sure you will. I'll just pick truth every time."

Sry if this isn't how you act when ur high but I tried my best. Pls vote, comment, and share.

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