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Ruby's P.O.V 

i woke up startled in my bed, feeling a heavy body laying on my chest , i feel so anxious, but  at the same time, in a trance.

i gathered some courage to look at what was over my chest,and what i found made me go rigid. the biggest snake i ever saw in my life is laying on me so comfortably. all my survival instincts  tells me to run for the hills but i feel like i can't move a finger. " helppppp!" i screamed, hoping that someone  hears me. 

a moment later, the face of the last person i ever imagined to answer my calls for help, enters my range of vision. she looks down at me with a soft smile " calm down, breath, everything  is going to be okey" she tells me with her soft voice that succeeded to help me out of many panic attacks  back when we were the closest people ever. 

i close my eyes, refusing to feel the moist skin of the snake on my chest. nodding curtly to Caramel.

" give me your hand Ruby.. i'll help you up " she stretched her arm for me to hold. Our hands touch leaving pleasurable sparks all over my body. And with all her strength, she pulled me up, struggling to keep me from going back to the previous position " Noo!" i yelled mortified, to see that the snake is up and is biting Caramel 's stretched hands continually. 

" ruby! you have to let go! i can't help you if you didn't leg go" Cara's voice urges , which confuses me for a bit ' let go of what?' 

and thats when i look down to my other hand, to find myself holding into the snake tightly without noticing ' what the,,,'


my eyes flew open to be met with the dimly lit bedroom, ' it was only a dream?' i sigh, trying to even out my breathing. it was a vivid dream i must say. it felt so real. i can even still feel the weight of that snake on my chest! 

my conscious finally followed and ordered me to look down at the source of the heaviness " oh.." it just Jessica. she's curled up sleeping on my chest. it's so weird that she has the exact same position the snake had in my dream? it's probably just my mind playing tricks on me. 

' what about caramel?' my conscious asks me... it's probably just the binge stalking i did before going to bed . i watched all her instagram stories and made sure to see anything she puts online. i can't stop myself.   i'm so very curious and i miss her a lot . my therapist says that my brain framed her as my savior  for all these years, making me need her every time i feel overwhelmed. i was attached to her for saving me, she was really good at it. But now that she left my life. i always has this need to be saved. that's why i try to not think that i need someone's help. i decided a long time ago that she's not going to answer my calls for help so might as well not call . 

seems like sleep has left me tonight, so might as well just... opening my phone only to be blinded with the light for a little bit. Ru fidgets a little since she is closer to my hand than the rest of my dogs. okey, she's up!, i cheered mentally...somewhere in India i guess . she never said where which burns me with curiosity. she just shows a modest temple in her ig story, a couple times. taking pictures while she is laying down under the sunlight. ' gosh, she's so beautiful' i thought, feeling guilty about it. My heart still skip a beat when i meet her caramel shade doe eyes, and it made me feel guilty and is unfair to my partner. i closed my phone and throw it away from my reach to stop myself from going back to her instagram like a stalker. 


" morning!" i chirp from the kitchen stool to my girlfriend. she gave me a smile and sat down " someone isn't a morning person today" i tried to lighten up the air. 

" where are you going today?" she asks bluntly. 

" i have another meeting with  Daniel John Caruso for the xXx movie. then another meeting with urban decay " i inform her, ignoring her tone of voice. 

these days,she seems to do that pretty often. i'm no angel of course. i might have done something to trigger that but for now, i'm procrastinating another fight with her. 

i kiss her cheek goodbye in a hurry before walking away and  toward my car. i am in no hurry to go to the meeting. it's suppose to be over lunch but i just want to leave as soon as possible to avoid fighting again about something wrong i did. and it seems like i'm doing a lot of it lately.  

i debated going to visit Riawna and Morgan to spend some time with my friends but i decided against it. driving aimlessly while torturing myself with memories. 

gosh i miss her....

A/N: a short one indeed  

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