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" I hate the ocean " I grumble to whoever is listening like a brat .
But I couldn't stay in the dry land while everyone is celebrating vin's birthday.
So here I am sitting on the yacht's deck trying to hold myself from vomiting and embarrassing myself but everyone can see how pale I am every time the yacht move a little too much from the current , of course they didn't see the Meg's or Jaws or binged watched all the ocean accidents that had caught on camera
To make things even worst , I am stuck in the middle of the ocean with my arch enemy. The bitch who is responsible for the mess I am in... kind of.. the girlfriend.
But you should see the look she gave me when she first saw me , I even held myself together for minutes to show her that I'm not afraid of her nor am I phased because of her.
I'm a bad witch too and she should be very scared .
And let me tell you , she used her only power to make me feel like shit.. ruby.
Kissing her, and hugging her, it's like she is trying to tell me that no matter how much I did to be with her.. I could never get that chance , she has her now .
And it hit home really hard.
It makes me think a lot.. and give up on that hope even more.
" we have a loot of champagne to consume " Nina giggles already tipsy .
" yepp and a lot of time on the Yacht too" I said shivering
Nina rolled her eyes " a glass or two will help you loosen up that fear of yours ya know" her advice was ridiculous but I took it anyway with the motto of " fuck it "
The cherry flavored champagne was great , I have never had the chance to drink before.. in both of my lifetimes so it was awesome to experience it.
It doesn't taste bitter like it has been described to me before.
So one drink turned into two and the chain has continued till my mind couldn't care less about the ocean nor the Yacht nor ruby and her leech of girlfriend.
The beats is nice which made me sway with it and actually smile for the first time in this yacht , the lights are gleaming and I feel Goood
Nina joined me and we started to dance like weirdos in the middle of the yacht while everyone is laughing at our dorky movements that vin and ruby is filming stories of.
Vin joined us and we tried to imitate popular dances we know and choreograph it for the three of us.
Soon enough we made everyone dance and stop being on their damned phone all the time.

" that's a beautiful sunset view" ruby spoke to me for the first time in this yacht trip

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" that's a beautiful sunset view" ruby spoke to me for the first time in this yacht trip.
I nodded trying to enjoy the view and not grumbling about the ocean .
" you still hate the ocean" she spoke more as a statement than a question
" welp, shit like that doesn't change with time does it" I replied reminiscing about the last time i was at the ocean with her.. laughing and just so in love.. in my part..
" yeah somethings never change" she mumbled
" but sometimes... it's a nice thing " she nodded which makes me think that she is speaking to herself more than replying to me.
" guys! Cake time" Nina screamed for us while miraculously balancing a two story cake while she looks already drunk
I shake my head giggling while entering the inside.. we sang happy birthday for our best friend Vin while he acted like a very Buffy pageant Queen that just been announced a winner .
We ate the cake and drank even more, I stopped looking the snake's way , trying to actually have fun in this party.
We finally got back from the trip at midnight, totally trashed and giggly
" would you believe me if I told you I lost eleven years of my existence not knowing what the fuck I was doing ... and suddenly.. I woke up in the futur .. not knowing where the Fuck I was or how the fuck I got her" I rambled unknowingly to Nina and ruby now, who were both walking with me to my hotel room because I was too drunk to walk straight
" yeah, it happens, no one actually remembers their twenties till a fan post a picture of some shit we did eleven years ago" Ruby said while trying to keep me from facing the floor
" true" Nina agreed while trying to open my hotel room
" psh no it's not... " I couldn't speak anymore and felt like I just need to sleep
" okey Cara look at me, there's a bucket here , a towel and a glass of water with Advil next to it.. you'll need it in the morning " I mumbled something I couldn't even understand myself and could hear the door close before I fully submitted to sleep .

I'm sorry I fucked up .. ps:love u

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